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The development is going well... I hope to release the 0.1 version mid-August ;)




nice teasing! Keep up the good work, we know it will worth the wait ;)


... :-) ...that girl, lying on the pool chair, wearing that red/pink "almost-maybe-bikini" (with glasses, but - NOT the one in white swimsuit - NOT with red dots on it, right above here - as I'm talking about the one, who's picture "is way higher", in this post, in the "second" image, depending on how you'd count) - that girl - or "woman/mature/whatever", they all just "girls" to me, however mature (or even gray-haired) any of them may look - she has the BEST body type of all these girls, in above images... ...LOOKS AWESOME... ...and - MORE of that, for me - forget everything else, dudes... ...of course, I understand, that people may like "other-looking" (or younger-looking), but - only wanted to note this, as that body type is EXACTLY up MY LANE... ...anyhow, worth the wait to see this awesomeness, definitely... :-) ...