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Hello! Chaos4 is coming along yet. I hope to be done in the next week or so. Progress has been hampered a bit by the size of the project file and the ensuing lag that is the result. Will be looking into upgrading once Chaos4 is wrapped up. In the meantime hers another little snippet. This isn't so much a deleted scene as it is an incomplete one that I've decided not to continue as I made some changes to the story that make it unnecessary. It pretty barebones with incomplete motion and camera movement. In fact, it's just a single shot from two slightly different angles. I threw in some sound to make it a bit more interesting.


5.96 MB file on MEGA


Bigger is better

A little something is better then nothing I can't wait for the content that you are going to make after chaos 4


Amazing work all things considered. If this is what you can do on older hardware. I can't imagine what you can do on a more modern rig. Which is why we have been wanting you to make a Patreon or Kofi for years. You deserve to make money of your amazing work and have the freedom to update hardware as needed.