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Sul sul!

I am excited to announce that I'm working on my website!

I'm interested in finding out what you all would be interested in seeing when you visit a creator's website.

Let me know down below! :)



I love your mods I am a new user. so all this mod install is new to me but i love how realistic it makes my game.. i would love to know more about you as posted and what inspired you to become a modder if its not to personal. best wishes and happy thanksgiving.

Lesli Homrighausen

I think you've got some really good suggestions for what we'd like to see! I've not read them all, so I apologize if I've repeated something someone's already said... But, I think it'd be a good idea if you had an area for people to leave their suggestions like this on a regular basis. People come up with ideas all times of day/night, and when they realize there's no mod for what they want, or there is...but, it needs tweaked a bit for this or that, etc. As you know, Simmers are trying to make things as realistic as possible, which means making their lives far more difficult and complicated than they need to be, or have ever been. It's very odd really!