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<---Chapter 119 - Rebirth  | Table of Contents | Chapter 121 - Commercialized Agriculture --->

"Hunting in the Keru Forest? You'll need more than a few Tusken Rabbits to sustain us, and that's just for a day." Diya complained while Kyle, Sasha, and Feldon geared up. "Everything else is larger than the Tusken Rabbit or too poisonous for humans to eat!"

"Then we'll hunt the bigger creatures." Kyle continued his work at the arcia etcher without looking back at Diya. He was confident that there existed such a food source, especially with the large animal tracks that he had spotted.

Diya still wasn't convinced about the feasibility of the plan. "You can't be serious, taking down a single mammoth hog is a task for the military. Just five of you won't be enough - you'll need all of us to maybe even hurt one. Not to mention that they travel in herds and always group up when they are under attack."

Kyle cocked an eyebrow as he gave a sidelong glance at the frustrated Diya. "Good to hear. We'll keep that in mind, but I can't have all the Ghosts leave the refugee camp together. I'm counting on you to hold down the fort."

Diya was about to retort once more but recalled Kyle's warning before, stopping herself before she landed in more trouble. "Fine. Do it your way. But if you come back for help, don't say I didn't warn you." She turned around sharply, her dress fluttering in the air as she made for the exit ladder.

As Diya left, Feldon shuffled over to Kyle's side, whispering through the side of his mouth. "Sir, are you sure you should be pissing off the local Ghost leader like that? She is a local of Desham, after all; I would rather have her on our side than plotting against us."

"What she does against us means little in the grand scale of things. Anyone who stands against me will be swiftly dealt with, that's all." Kyle wasn't in the mood to entertain Feldon's doubt, though he was well aware that pushing Diya too hard might cause her to change sides. Yet from his observations of Diya's behavior, Kyle was confident that she would not turn over to the guards. Judging from her interaction with Jaden, she is morally aligned with the goal of the Ghosts. If she were truly a pragmatic black market dealer, she should have sided with the guards instantly.

A real black market dealer would have had Jaden shaken down for all his worth on top of that necklace. The necklace itself was a fake, yet Diya offered two sacks. She's too good for her own sake to even think of turning to the enemy.

Within an hour, Kyle and the squad were geared up once more, Kyle returning the runic falchion to Sasha, albeit with the blade sung a little from the friction with Soren's lightning sword. He left Nox's helmet behind in a locked crate, still wearing the exosuit arm and bringing a railgun along with a simple standard machete taken from the stockpile of equipment that had been evacuated. Potions, rations, water flasks, and antidotes were all stocked up as well, just barely enough for the five of them. The supplies were running thin, but Kyle knew that food was the most pressing issue right now - bartering jewelry and using them to bribe the guards is hardly a sustainable method to fuel a rebel movement. Once he was ready, the squad formed up behind him, armed to the teeth with proper armor. "Let's move." Kyle motioned with his hand.

[Sir, perhaps we should gather more information on the mammoth hog that we are to hunt. Right now we're completely in the blind as to where the herd could be.] Sasha gave her opinion as they headed up the exit ladder out of the hideout. [The Keru Forest is almost five hundred kilometers wide at its shortest width - we may be stuck hunting for days or even weeks.]

"Don't worry about it. Someone will come to help us." Kyle gave a cryptic reply, Sasha cocking her head in confusion.

As luck would have it, there was someone waiting right outside the shelter, the youth Jaden twirling a tenar coin between his fingers expertly as he squatted on the side of the dusty street, chewing on a yellowing grass stem. He stood straight up the moment Kyle and the squad stepped out, blocking Kyle's path. "Name's Jaden, heard you needed help hunting."

"And where did you hear that from?" Kyle asked, his senses alerted to the environment. From the corner of his peripheral vision, he could see a tinge of Diya's purple satin dress peeking out from the side of another shelter further down, hiding amidst the hustle and bustle of other refugees loitering about.

"Heard it from Diya." Jaden tried to act tough, though it only increased his chewing speed. "I know the grazing pattern of the mammoth hogs. There's a few hundred herds, but I reckon one herd is more than enough to feed this entire refugee camp."

"What's in it for you?"

"Just because I know where they are, doesn't mean I can hurt them." Jaden stretched his arms out, showing his lanky skinny frame off. "I got the tracks, you got the weapons and warriors. We can cut the meat fifty-fifty."


"Five...? You want to kill five mammoth hogs? That's a bit too much, isn't it? I thought we were killing -"

"Five percent. That's all you get."

"Wha..." Jaden's jaw dropped before he closed his gaping mouth and glared at Kyle. "How the hell is that fair? I'm the one who knows where the hog is!"

"And I'm the one who is going to kill it. If you're not agreeable, we can talk again when I return." Kyle signaled to the squad, all of them walking off down the street toward the end of the refugee camp. There were hardly any guards in the refugee camps, all of them having been delegated to the defense of the walls and gates of the inner city zone, allowing Kyle and his Ghosts to move freely enough.

Jaden didn't expect Kyle to really walk away like that without haggling. Shit, I need that meat! He quickly ran up to Kyle, blocking his path once more with his arms outstretched. "Okay, okay, forty-sixty! That's as low as I'm willing to -"

The tip of a drawn machete pressed against his chin, Jaden's eyes not even being able to catch the speed at which Kyle drew the blade out. Even Sasha and Feldon were caught off-guard by the fluidity of the motion, having no knowledge about Kyle's racial upgrade to a 229-A-X package. "Block my path one more time with a useless offer, and Diya will be left with a head. Five or dead. Choose." Kyle sternly warned the flustered Jaden, who had his hands raised in surrender.

"F-f-five! Five! I agree to five!"

Kyle retracted the machete, flicking it before sheathing again along the back of his belt. "Always good to do business with someone smart. Lead the way."

Jaden nodded vigorously but internally cursed at being threatened this much. Still, his stomach could only think about the five percent that he was about to receive in meat. With that much being offered, I'm going to be rich in the refugee camp - I could even have servants! The slowly growing grin on his face showed the greed under the surface as he led Kyle's squad out of the refugee camp.

The Keru Forest was relatively close to the outskirts of Desham, and it took only half an hour of walking to reach the border of the forest. Already, the giant trees of the forest beyond stood far taller than the pitiful stone walls that surrounded Desham, the trees' trunks and dense foliage limiting the daylight that filtered through the leaves in streams. A single major road led into the forest, winding deeper in. Interestingly enough, checkpoints for passing wagons going in and out of the Keru Forest were set up by Nest guards, inspecting countless wagons plastered with the logo of Harrison Industries that carried large planks of wood, escorted by armed personnel towards the factories of Desham. The military presence of Nest guards dissuaded any refugee who even thought of hijacking the wagon convoys. Large swaths of stumps showed the former border of the forest, already being steadily chopped down by arctech saws that ground against the ancient barks.

Instead of taking the major road where there was consistent traffic, Jaden led them onto a smaller path that was less traveled and far away from the view of the Nest guards. "Don't want to get too close to those guys. Ever since the President declared martial law, they've been coming in and forcibly evacuating villages from the forest just so they can take over the land." Jaden explained in a low, somber tone to Kyle as they entered the forest through another track, this one barely showing any signs of human presence.

So Harrison Industries has been exploiting the forest too. Kyle expected Harrison to do so - the wood in the Keru Forest was extremely useful for plenty of things such as creating weapons, barricades and providing temporary housing as well as serving as firewood. However, none of the refugees in the camps of Desham were benefitting from this exploitation, many still living in tattered tents that barely offered any protection from the elements.

"We'll need to find a place to set up camp. Hunting the mammoth hog won't be easy - it'll take days of tracking and patience to even get the scent of one. There is a village deeper in the Keru Forest nearby that can help serve as a base point." Jaden pointed towards a rickety old arrow sign that pointed along a winding forest track marked by piles of dead leaves recently brushed aside; the words on the sign faded from erosion.

"I thought you mentioned that the villages were being evacuated by Harrison Industries." Feldon questioned as they continued walking.

"Well, this one is a bit harder to find. I doubt Harrison Industries would try anything with us." Jaden shrugged.

"Us?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I uhh... yea I'm part of the village." Jaden rubbed his head sheepishly, clearly hiding something else and raising Kyle's suspicion.

[Sasha, take a high route and watch for any imminent traps.] Kyle spoke to Sasha through the telepathic channel.

[Understood, but if we suspect that it's a trap, then why are we still following him?]

[Great rewards always come with great risks.] Kyle motioned with his finger, signaling to his Ghosts to get ready for an ambush, while Sasha leaped upwards without much of a sound, climbing up the great ancient trees and using their branches.

Interestingly, Jaden heard the sounds, turning around and looking up, though he could not see anything. "Weird, haven't heard anything like that around..." He mumbled, having forgotten to count the number of Ghosts following Kyle.

They continued walking, Kyle keeping a keen eye out for any signs of an attack. To him, any place with a human population meant they could either be recruited or subjugated - either of which was always a boon to him. I could certainly do with more Ghosts. If they are unwilling, then I could do with more slaves.

Furthermore, he already had plans to expand his hunting business. Kyle was not yet certain about the size of one mammoth hog, but he knew he needed to kill much more than just a few. Having a few more capable trackers like Jaden would help a lot, enslaved or not.

Soon, the village came into view, turning out to be a simple hamlet. The two Ghosts that followed Kyle faltered a little, recalling their own villages near Ocra from which they had been ousted from themselves. The peaceful sight of the drifting smoke from fired clay chimneys merged with wooden roofing and walls gave them a sense of longing and memory that reinvigorated what they were fighting for.

The squad walked into the small little hamlet, a simple layout of about ten houses surrounding a river that ran through with a strong current. A few kids could be seen playing with some shiny marbles, tossing them into a ring and cheering over the results, while their mothers washed and hand squeezed the clothes dry with their strong arms, scrubbing them hard on jagged wooden boards to drain the moisture out.

A few village militia soldiers were already armed and standing on guard; their suspicion was raised the moment Kyle's squad appeared at the outskirts of the hamlet, drawing their swords and shields as well as aiming with longbows at them. Only one of them had a gun, except it was a mere arctech musket, which was highly inefficient and had a slow reload.

Still, they stepped forward bravely, the leader wielding the musket shouting at the approaching squad. "Stop right there! If you're from Harri- Jaden? Is that you?"

"Chief, it's me; I'm back." Jaden walked up carefully to the leader, his hands raised in surrender to show his stance. Conversely, Kyle and the other Ghosts didn't let go of their guns, though they did not aim back at the squad.

"Jaden, it's really you! Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I was?" The village chief put down the musket, letting out a sigh of relief. "Almost everyone else thought you were dead!"

"Sorry, chief, I... I ran off to the city."

"Desham? Didn't I tell you it was dangerous now? There's a war about to happen; you can't just walk off like this. Who are the men behind you? I don't recognize any of them."

"They... they are some friends I made in Desham! They are looking to hunt some mammoth hogs to bring meat back to the city."

"Out of the question. The mammoth hogs will run rampant if you kill them off - they are not dumb. They will find this hamlet and destroy us in a stampede!"

[This doesn't seem to be going well. Should we capture all of them?] Sasha offered her suggestion while Kyle used his enhanced eyesight to look carefully at the marbles that the children were playing with. Those marbles... they are arcia crystals!

[Not yet. There's something more valuable to the village. It may be worth going the diplomatic route.] Kyle replied to Sasha, while he slung his railgun to the back, stepping up next to Jaden and approaching the village chief, extending a handshake. "Good to meet you. I'm Kyle, leader of the hunting squad."

The village chief stared at the stretched-out hand, only returning the handshake with visible reluctance. "How did you meet Jaden?"

"Jaden himself offered his services to us and brought us here."

"You!" The village chief turned sharply towards Jaden with a furious glare. "I told you not to tell anyone about the village until the war is over! Now that the word is out, they'll come for us!"

"What's the point of hiding it?!" Jaden shouted back. "We should be standing up and fighting back against those greedy idiots exploiting all of us Versians, not hiding in some backwater village."

"Hiding in this 'backwater' village is exactly what's going to keep us alive. Do you really want to die in a meaningless war where lives are traded just for the schemes of men who hardly give a shit about you?" The village chief retorted. "Now your rash actions have exposed our existence, and we'll be dragged into this war! We should move now immediately and find someplace deeper in the Keru Forest."

"This is exactly why I left the village! There are things bigger than just sticking your head in the sand and living life obliviously!" Jaden stormed off, clearly infuriated while he walked past Feldon who was taking a break against a nearby tree, breathing in the fresh forest air.

"Jaden! You come back here right now!" The village chief shouted towards Jaden's back, though Jaden did not turn around. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, he turned to face Kyle with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that one. It seems that the real reason why he brought you here was to try and convince us to get off our asses. Ever since his parents died to Nest..."

"Died to Nest?" Kyle questioned further.

"Perhaps we can continue this discussion further in my house." The village chief led the squad to the house, while Sasha remained on overwatch around the city. She enjoyed the cool breeze that rushed through the canopy of the forest as she sat on a branch, chewing on a ration pack herself.

"We had a lot of run-ins with the Nest guards ever since they moved in. Three whole other villages have been wiped out so far; their residents have been forced to be refugees. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Name's Draken." The village chief motioned to a few wooden seats scattered around the homely room. Pots and pans, along with multiple vials filled with different herbs and potion combinations, dotted the walls on various shelves. A slow cooking pot brewed a fragrant tea, the aroma soothing as it wafted upwards to the high ceiling, the roof supported by wooden beams.

"Good to meet you, Chief Drake," Kyle replied with a calm tone, surprising the two Ghosts and even Feldon, who almost spluttered on his water flask. They had long been accustomed to Kyle being extremely domineering and aggressive in all of his negotiations, so to see him act so humble and docile here felt extremely off.

"So, heard you want to hunt the hogs. Unfortunately, that's a bad idea. The roaming herds are dangerous, and I don't think just the four of you are enough to go up against them. On top of that, the population of mammoth hogs have been increasing dramatically as well." Drake poured two cups of the aromatic tea, handing it over to Kyle who gladly accepted it, though he did not drink it.

"I understand that your main concern is the protection of the village." Kyle diverted the topic. "It isn't that you are worried about the mammoth hogs taking revenge - you're worried about Nest figuring out where this village is."

"You're surprisingly astute... yes. You are right - we want to be able to defend ourselves, and the only feasible way is to hide. There's no way we can fight against Nest or even Harrison's guards."

"So, the way I see it: you need protection, I need resources. We can work out a deal." Kyle pressed his position. "Help us get the mammoth hogs, and we'll make sure your village isn't exposed. If it is exposed, we'll fight for you."

Drake sipped on his teacup slowly, his eyes squinting. "I don't think what I'm saying is getting through - the four of you won't be enough to deal with the mammoth hog herd, not even one stray one. I've seen Harrison Industries try to cull the herds near their new forestry areas: it's safe to say it was an absolute failure. Good riddance though, but I wouldn't wish the same fate on you."

"Hmm... then it seems that we are at an impasse." Kyle placed down his cup of tea, having not drunk it at all. "Perhaps I will return at a later date to offer more attractive terms. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Thank you for understanding." Drake stood up, offering his hand which Kyle gladly shook. "I can tell you're still keen on hunting the hogs. Jaden is a good tracker, but I implore you to hunt at a further area downstream from the river so the village is not implicated."

"I understand." Kyle nodded, leaving the village chief's house and walking along the river. As he walked past the children playing with the shiny marbles, one of the marbles rolled up to his feet, prompting Kyle to pick it up.

[Item]: Refined Arcia Crystal (Advanced)

Only an artificer of renown can achieve such a feat..

 Enhanced Arcia Energy Capacity and Output.

This is definitely worth an investigation... Kyle tossed the marble back towards the kids, clearly feeling the village's chief eyes staring into his back. In fact, many of the villagers were peeking out of their houses, observing each and every movement of the Ghost squad as they headed back towards where they came from.

[Sir, I saw someone strange. Last house along the river, red brick walls.] Sasha's words had Kyle look towards the window of the brick house, noticing a foreign lady looking back right at home. As their eyes met, the lady hurriedly ducked, drawing the curtains across and blocking off Kyle's view of the interior. However, that momentary glance had shown that there were countless arcia etchers and weapons hanging on the inside of the house, along with a furnace for smelting.

As they returned to the fuming Jaden, Kyle tapped Jaden's shoulder. "It's a bit strange for this small village hamlet to have an arctech workshop or blacksmith of that size. There's only fifty of you."

"Arctech workshop? We don't have anything like that." Jaden scratched his chin in confusion, before looking over to the brick house that stood out in clear contrast to the other wooden ones. "Huh, don't recall anyone's house looking like that. It's only been four months since I left though. Maybe Drake hired an arctech engineer? Either way, I'm done with this stupid ass village. We'll just go hunt in a different area.... were there only four of you? I feel like someone is missing."

"There's only four of us." Kyle asserted. "Now lead the way."

The Ghost squad soon left the village behind them, Feldon feeling everything was a little strange as he walked next to Kyle, whispering into his ear once more. "Boss, I've never seen you just give up and walk away like this! That village would have been useful as a base of operations, and its people were good for navigating the forest. The village chief was even a herbalist - he could help us make potions!"

A sly smile grew on Kyle's face. "Who said I was giving up?"


In the middle of the night, silence reigned supreme in the hamlet, save for the chirps of insects and the calming current of the river. Drake rested on his bed, thinking about the hunting squad that had turned up today as well as Jaden's eventual departure once more. He clenched his fist, conflicted on whether to help Jaden or not, though he finally decided that the village was more important than the orphan. Looks like your son acts the same way as you do after all, brother... He turned onto his side, the bedside table featuring a picture of him with his brother posing next to a fallen mammoth hog, along with a younger Jaden smiling from ear to ear. As his eyelids began to close, a sudden knock on his door jolted him awake.

He sluggishly moved to the door, opening it to reveal a red haired lady, her demeanor serious as she shoved past him, motioning for him to close the door.

"Hayden, what the hell are you doing here? If anyone finds out you came here in the dead of the night-"

"That's the least of our worries now. I'm afraid I may have been exposed. Those hunters that came earlier in the day, they may have been mercenaries hired by Nest to track me down."

"Nest...? But I didn't see any emblem or tattoo-"

"A tracker sent by Nest wouldn't wear their colors that blatantly." Hayden rolled her eyes, the wrinkles on her face creasing as she sat down on a chair, her legs jittery with anxiety. "I'm sure they were here to hunt me down. When I looked at them, one of them was clearly looking right at me with intent. They know me."

"That's not possible, it's been months since you arrived and we've been doing fine. You haven't left the village at all!" Drake sat down opposite her, resting his elbow on the table with a concerned expression. "Jaden isn't dumb, he'll know if they have bad motives overall."

"I never met Jaden before, but from what I've seen today, it's clear that he is just a kid. Still, I think it's best if I leave the village permanently. It's too dangerous for me to stay behind and endanger the rest of you. I came here today to give you my thanks for sheltering me and welcoming me into the community."

"You can't be serious." Drake gulped instinctively, scanning Hayden's face before he finally realized she was being serious. He tried to speak, but he couldn't find the words to express what he felt, until Hayden grabbed his hand, clasping it tightly.

"Come with me. We'll leave tonight. Pack everything into a sack and make our way deeper into the forest. Walk out of Versia by the end of the week." Hayden looked Drake in the eyes expectantly. "We'll do fine - you got the traps, I got the machinery. We can handle anything that comes out way together."

Drake wanted to say yes, but the thought of the village weighed him down. "I... I can't. The village is counting on me. At least until I'm confident that the village can do well without me. Look, I'll help you pack up and send you off. Take a few potions before you go, especially some antidotes." He got up from his seat, missing the momentary sign of exasperation on Hayden's face.

"That's alright. I'll pack up myself. Goodbye, Drake. Thanks for everything." Hayden's voice became colder than ever, leaving Drake's house before he could collect all of the potions and antidotes to pass to her.

"Hayden. Hayden!" Drake called out beyond the door, but Hayden didn't turn around, focused on returning to her brick house. Some of the villagers who were still awake peeped out behind their window sills, always curious about the latest gossip, as they watched Drake stare at Hayden with a forlorn expression. Hayden's figure walking away reminded Drake of Jaden's departure today as well.Why does it feel like everyone is leaving when I'm doing my best to protect us?

Letting out the third exasperated sigh for the day, Drake closed the door, placing the potions and antidotes back into a cabinet before retiring for the night, lying back on his bed. However, he could hardly sleep, only thinking about Hayden and her imminent departure. It's for the best, its for the village, for the village... Two hours passed as he tossed and turned in bed, unable to rest properly with his mind in turmoil. I should go and clear things up with Hayden before she leaves.

As he got up from the bed, a sudden distinctive shot of an arctech rifle was fired into the air, earning shouts and screams coming from the villagers' houses. Bright arctech spotlights blasted across the village, shining through the windows and disorientating Drake while the village militia scrambled to get out. [Illegal squatters of the Keru Forest. Your offenses are twofold.] A loud arctech radio speaker blared out with a jarring static, two Nest guards carrying it along with the arctech spotlights while another dozen wielded rifles as well, taking up a position just outside the village.

[One. Illegal occupation of an area that does not belong to you. The land is under the ownership of Tenar Logging Incorporated, a subsidiary of Harrison Industries . You will now be forcibly removed from the area. New housing will be provided at your new destination in Desham.]

“What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve been here for over seven years – this is the first time I’ve heard of such bullshit!” One of the villagers yelled as he stepped out of his house, armed with a sword and wooden shield. “The Keru Forest doesn’t belong to anyone, and certainly not you cunts!”

[Two. You have been harbouring dangerous revolutionaries who plot the demise of the Versian Government, seeking to upend the stability of the people. Surrender them, and you will be granted leniency during your trial.]

Drake's heart plummeted when he heard that. Hayden! He quickly put on his battle gear and armor, snatching his musket that was rested against the wall and rushing out of the house, the rest of the village militia having already gathered in place. However, there seemed to be no hope of fending off the imminent Nest attack, and the number of Nest soldiers was on par with that of the militia. The disparity in the equipment and weaponry only made the battle seem even more hopeless.

Still, Drake stood strong, stepping out in front of the militia and assuming his role as village chief. "I am the chief of this village, Drake! I request a meeting with your leader!" He shouted out while he shielded his eyes from the blinding spotlights, hoping to stall long enough to figure a way out either through diplomacy or compromise. He stood firm, unafraid of the rifles aimed right at him that could take off his head in an instant.

From beyond the bright spotlights, the leader of the Nest squad stepped forward. "We have received reports that you are harboring dangerous individuals who are active revolutionaries against the government!" The squad leader asserted confidently.

"I don't see why this backwater village of ours would have anything to do with trying to overthrow the government."

"Don't play games with me. She was seen lurking around the restricted zone under Tenar Logging, we have eyewitness reports from our own guards. Her tracks lead right here!"

What? Hayden hasn't left the village in forever! "That's not possible, none of us have gone more than five kilometers beyond this village! You must have been mistaken."

The Nest squad leader squinted his eyes in suspicion. "The penalty for harboring an enemy of Versia is death by public execution under the new Sedition Act put forth by President Mornero. You are to show me where they are immediately, or you will be considered as an accomplice and dealt with accordingly!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, the person you are looking for is not here!"

"Fine. Men, search all the houses and arrest all the villagers!"

Before Drake could protest, his defiance earned him a sudden blow to the head, the Nest squad leader striking him from the front with the butt of an arctech rifle. He toppled to the floor, dropping his musket which clattered along the gravel path. The villagers gasped while mothers hid their children in their houses. The militia tried to step forward, but they, too, were rooted in fear, unwilling to fight against the overwhelming firepower that the Nest guards had.

"This is your last chance!" The squad leader announced once more as the Nest soldiers began to filter out, segregating the villagers and cuffing them. "Anyone who gives me information about where the revolutionary is will be rewarded greatly, and will not be charged with treason!"

Drake was hauled up by two soldiers and restrained with handcuffs as well, dragged along the familiar decade-old path along the river towards his own house, led by the squad leader. His head lolled about, dizzy from the frontal hit. However, as they passed the brick house, he could see Hayden crouching behind a wall, hidden from sight and wielding a strange-looking triple-cylinder machine, preparing to fight back. Drake's eyes widened, and he mouthed 'NO' and shook his head violently. Fighting against Nest like this would result in too many casualties, especially when only Hayden had something useful. The rest of the militia were only armed with bows, spears, and swords, which were inefficient against the arctech rifles.

The squad leader kicked down Drake's door violently, smashing apart the hinge with his metal sole boot. Drake's body was unceremoniously thrown into the house, while the two soldiers began to check and flip over every cabinet and shelf, countless precious herbs smashing onto the floor on purpose. "Search the whole damn house, I want to know where that revolutionary is!"

"Are you sure you want to know?" A familiar voice echoed from the wooden beams high above in the elevated ceiling, a shadow dropping from above and slashing his machete deep into the squad leader's head, the blade stopping short when it reached the neck. The squad leader's head split apart, the two halves dangling as blood gushed out from the shredded throat and revealing the sickening gray pulsating matter that was his brain.


Killed: 'Nest Squad Leader' - 20 EXP, Killed: 'Nest Squad Leader' - 20 EXP..

The two squad leaders barely turned around when the same shadow lunged at them, a glowing arm illuminating the dimly lit room as the machete in its hand sliced through their necks like butter. They clutched the gaping wound on their necks, trying to stem the bleeding while they collapsed to the ground in a quivering heap, the blood staining the wooden floor panels of Drake's house.


Killed: 'Nest Soldier' - 10 EXP, Killed: 'Nest Soldier' - 10 EXP..

Drake stared in horror at the ghastly sight of the mutilated bodies, wincing as the machete was also swung towards him. However, instead of cutting off his head, the blade snapped the cuffs apart, allowing Drake to move his arms freely again and finally see who it was. "You! The hunter!"

"It seems you are in need of protection. Are the terms now attractive enough for you?" Kyle grinned, flicking the blood of his machete, using the clothes of the fallen Nest soldiers to clean the blade.

Drake wasn't dumb, immediately realizing what was going on. "You led them right to us! Hayden would have never been dumb enough to go anywhere near the restricted zone. You brought them here!"

"That's a stretch, I'm just a hunter. Also, does it really matter now? Your villagers are about to be arrested and transported off to a refugee camp. And you are completely helpless to stop it, including that old revolutionary you have been harboring all this time."

"Damn you, this is blackmail!" Drake cursed with all his might, though he did not try to attack Kyle or act aggressive in any way, especially not around the fallen bodies that Kyle had just easily killed.

"Time is ticking." Kyle tapped his blade, a soft ringing sound emitting from the resonance. "Lives are at stake. You said you wanted to protect your people, but here you are worrying about morals. Are you going to give up the freedom of your villagers for your own conscience? Once they find out about these three bodies..."

Drake could still hear the shouts and screams from outside as Nest soldiers continued to terrorize the villagers, oblivious to the death of their squad leader. He knew that if they found out, all of them might be killed on the spot. His heart burnt with hatred against Kyle, but he eventually succumbed, bowing to Kyle fully. "Please, save my villagers, and in exchange, I will help you hunt the mammoth hogs down."

"Not good enough."


"The deal has changed. Those Nest soldiers are a bit difficult to kill off. You're going to have to offer more than that."

"Didn't you just want the meat?" Drake shot back.

"I can easily get the meat myself. Jaden could help me track it easily in a few days. Why do I need you?" Kyle smiled.

Drake heard another sharp shriek as a gunshot went off, children crying in the distance. His guilt and desire to protect the village finally tipped him over, the pressure unbearable as he bowed again to Kyle. "Okay, okay I'll do anything you ask, just save the village, please!"

Kyle tapped his arctech radio. "Feldon, you hear that? Get the other Ghosts moving. Full sweep."

[Loud and clear, boss.] Feldon's excited voice came over the radio. [Time to clean up the trash.]

<---Chapter 119 - Rebirth  | Table of Contents | Chapter 121 - Commercialized Agriculture --->


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