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<---Chapter 115 - Grand Exhibition (3)  | Table of Contents | Chapter 117--->

The retreating Ghosts staggered down the corridor, the stronger among them supporting other weaker ones, limping slowly away from the black fog that was already subsiding. Kyle, too, was no exception, the intense battle having sucked most of the arcia energy out of him. While he had activated Penchant for Violence regularly, there was still no surefire method to recharge arcia energy directly into his body, even when consuming stamina potions.

Feldon huffed and panted as he supported himself against the wall, taking each step slowly while drinking a stamina potion. Despite the abundance of stamina potions, mental fatigue was not something that could be solved by simply chugging dark-yellow liquid, especially not when everyone around save for Kyle looked equally miserable. "We look like we just lost a fight at the playground..." Feldon remarked, his eyes glazing as he spotted the end of the corridor. The Rotten Chamber environment came into view, and two Ghosts that had been sent ahead with Sasha were waiting for them.

"Is the temporary area secured?" Feldon asked as he approached, massaging his aching arm and trying to stretch his shoulders.

"Yes, sir. The others have already set up a resting point with what supplies we could evacuate." The two Ghosts led them to another area of the Rotten Chamber, one that already had most of the trash removed and held at bay by rock walls, creating an encampment that stood out from the rest of the environment. Despite the persistent stench from the nearby trash that had been scooped up and cleared, it was enough to serve as a temporary area to recuperate and reorganize the men. Within the encampment were makeshift tents and crates of potions and rations, about thirty logistic workers and ten Ghosts in total having built up the camp. Adding the surviving sixteen Ghosts from the last ditch defense, Kyle now had a command of 26 Ghosts to utilize.

"What do we do now?" Feldon's voice was filled with exhaustion as he sat on the cleared ground, the same dark green block that walled the corridor making up the dungeon floor, its full extent buried under mountains of trash outside the encampment.

"We wait." Kyle replied, his voice a bit shaky as he kept up a strong facade, acting like there was nothing wrong with him as he walked up to a crate of antidote vials, checking how many they had left. A hundred... Kyle grabbed ten, immediately downing them like a madmen while Feldon stared in horror, though Feldon did not dare to ask what was happening.

Looks like its working, but clearly the general antidote is not that effective. Kyle filled a sack with fifty antidotes, drinking them slowly bit by bit and trying to purge the poison as well. He needed to be at his best for what was to come, especially when being hunted by the military throughout the country.

The state of the encampment was sad to see, especially for the Ghosts and workers who clearly remember how well organized the main bases had been. The haphazard placement of crates, tables, chairs and beds made many feel like they have gone back to their days as a refugee or a slave, triggering deep repressed memories. It was also apparent to everyone that they had been forced to retreat, effectively a defeat by Nest.

However, Kyle did not see the result as a defeat or a loss for him. Instead, it was a huge win. He still held in his hands Nox's helmet, which turned out to be an exosuit prototype. One more piece to the puzzle. Kyle gathered that with both the arm and the helmet prototype, he might be able to gleam enough information to begin construction of the legs as well. As for the spine, the Ancient Exosuit Spine would do well as a reference on how to move forward with his first full-body exosuit prototype. It was clear that the enemies were well advanced in their technological mastery of Galactic Era ruins and relics, so Kyle saw no further need to hold back as much. Though I'll keep the gamma lasers hidden for a later date.

While he did not manage to steal a functioning exosuit from Harrison's Grand Exhibition, his work at preventing the peace treaty from being signed was a necessary action for the continuation of his plan. Without the war, there would be almost no chance to undermine Harrison. It is in the chaos that I shall thrive more than ever. Already, the information and technology he had obtained from this entire Versian expedition far exceeded his expectations, having only expected to find maybe one or two Galactic Era personal shields.

"What are we waiting for? We should be trying to leave as soon as possible." Feldon grumbled, clearly unhappy with Kyle's order. "Nest would eventually dig up the collapsed hideout and find out about the entrance!"

"That may be so, but it would take more than a day or two to do so. We can rest here in the meantime." Kyle let out an exasperated sigh, before his sight landed once again on the Arcia Exosuit Helmet Prototype. I never really thought about it, but how would an INT stat increase affect others? He was quite confident Feldon did not have a System from his observations. If Feldon did have one, then it might have been the greatest waste of a System ever. "Why don't you think over the plan with this on?" He tossed the helmet over to Feldon, who almost fumbled it before clutching it tight, examining it curiously.

"Strange, I didn't know you managed to get the helmet off that weird person. I'm not sure if the helmet actually fits my hea-woah. Woah. W-O-A-H." Feldon's pupils dilated, his eyes widening, and he stared around at the encampment with a brilliance about him that Kyle could never imagine Feldon having. It was as if he was a newborn child seeing the world in a whole new light. "I get it now. I get everything! The universe, the meaning of life, the-"

Kyle smacked Feldon in the helmet, knocking him out of his stupor. "I didn't give you the helmet to be philosophical. So, what do you think of the plan?"

"Quite elementary, my dear Ky- I mean, boss. We recuperate and gear up for two days before moving over to Desham. Once we arrive, we will begin to take control of the city where possible, most likely through the refugee camps. With enough support, we may be able to raise a riot to overtake whoever is in charge. We will then need to establish the same manufacturing and training regimens that we had already implemented in Raktor and the catacombs, but on a far larger scale. Harrison will be too occupied with the war to even try and crush us. And if he does try to crush us, the contingent that he sends cannot be too large as he still needs to fight against Count Leon. The longer the war goes on, the better our odds of capturing his businesses and factories over Versia one by one. If either side starts to lose, then we should step in to - oh my god." Feldon gasped with realization.

Kyle was impressed, not so much at Feldon but at the effects of the helmet. Interesting. So, other humans also feel the effects of an INT increase. It was rare to find such a piece of equipment, and most of his sources of INT came from titles, something he was sure Feldon did not have. Perhaps there could be something done with this in the future...

"You! You only called me here because I was downright useless in the Culdao Peaks!" Feldon exclaimed in horror, though his nose began to bleed a little, a trickle of blood drooping. "Is that what you think of me? Well, I'm a different man now, smarter than ever. And I'll show you that I am far more valuable than any-"

Kyle snatched the helmet off Feldon's head, the brilliance on Feldon's face disappearing like a switch went off, as though his brain had suddenly smoothened out. "Huh...? What just happened?" Feldon grunted before clutching his head in agony, his nosebleed getting stronger. "Owwwww my brain! What is happening?!"

Looks like even with the INT increase, the body can't handle it. That's not good. Kyle would have liked to experiment more, but definitely not on Feldon. He and Sasha were his two most competent officers now, with Lisa, Dekar, and Yona having gone to the other cities. I'll test it next time.

Feldon lay on the floor, nursing a splitting headache, while Kyle continued to drink antidote after antidote. It took about an hour before the status effect was finally dispelled fully, Kyle being restored to his former strength. Much better now. He rose to his feet, moving around the encampment to check on the status of the other Ghosts.

"How were we pushed back so easily? We had so many plans, so many contingencies. I... I just never expected to have to fall back to the worst case scenario." One of the Ghosts muttered as he triple-checked his repeater, cleaning out the barrel and removing any residual from the pellets' friction.

"At least we didn't all perish for nothing. We can still fight in another city." Another replied, taking care of a heavily injured Ghost who was recuperating on a loosely arranged bunch of fabrics and clothes, serving as a temporary bed.

"We were this close to ending all of this..." The first Ghost sighed in defeat. "We were inches away from killing Harrison and Mornero!"

The other Ghosts around did not reply, having no arguments against that. Kyle saw the same sentiment being echoed around the other workers as well, it is clear that a defeat was a defeat to them, regardless of how Kyle saw it personally. They had a different goal to him, and as such, it was natural for a group of this size to have second doubts. Still, it was a problem that needed to be solved, and Kyle wasn't willing to let such a notion fester too long in the hearts of his men, men he needed.

"Gather in the medical tents," Kyle ordered, all able-bodied Ghosts and workers gathering around for what seemed to be a debriefing. Their faces were still grimy, covered in sweat and blood from the recent battles, while the workers themselves were exhausted from the sudden evacuation, having not much time to prepare. An air of failure reigned among them, yet to their surprise, Kyle looked more confident than ever.

"My comrades. We have fought long and hard over the past months. Some of you have been with the Ghosts for three months, others a day. But today, we still managed to clinch an important victory!"

"A victory...?" The Ghosts were all stupefied, exchanging confused glances before one of the more outspoken of them shouted to Kyle. "How is it a victory when we're in such a state?"

"We may have 'lost' the battle, but the war for Versia is in our favor." Kyle grabbed a nearby metal stick used for cleaning the repeaters, using the sharp end to draw on the ground, etching through the dirt. "Before today, not many knew of our movement. Only those who had been rescued or truly discriminated against had found their way to us. In some aspects, many of you are here solely because of luck."

Kyle continued tracing, drawing out a rough map of Versia. "Imagine if you quit right now. That at this very moment, this critical juncture in the fate of the nation, you decide that its an impossible fight, and you give up? Think of how the future would be - recall where you came from, what the military have done to you, what Harrison and his men have inflicted onto you. Do you want to go back? Do you want to suffer once more? Do you want your children, your family and your friends to be equally oppressed?"

"We should run! Run away to Proco, to Hwayul, anywhere!" The same outspoken Ghost retorted. "We can carve out and survive in the wild, away from all of this. We have the weapons and tools to do it!"

"And what would you tell your children? What would you tell your grandchildren? That when monsters ruled, you shied away and accepted your fate, running away from between your legs?" Kyle argued back. "It is in times like this that make or break a fighter. Are you willing to be broken, after everything you've been put through?"

"But who would join us now? How do we recover what we lost? We're scattered beyond Tenar now, and it would take a miracle to get back to where we were. It's impossible!"

Kyle held a small growing smile on his face "Do you not understand? This is the miracle! It's a miracle that so many were willing to stand up to Harrison, and that with the result of this battle, even more dissatisfied Versians will rally to our banner, join our cause and fight for a free Versia! Who else has stood up to the Versian military and can say 'I survived' ? Suddenly, revolution does not seem hopeless, nor does it seem like a death sentence. Your efforts, your bravery, the sacrifices of your comrades are all part of a grand miracle that is now carried on you - on your shoulders! To give up now would be to give up the very reason why you are here in the first place! Remember, remember what is at stake! Recall why you became a Ghost!"

Kyle's words began to crack the atmosphere of defeat, the Ghosts' spirits lifting slightly as Kyle continued. "It is through adversity that the pinnacle of humanity is revealed, where the peak of courage, strength and valor is embodied in all of you! Countless times Nest could have crushed us, could have annihilated us, sent all of us back to where we came from. But we stood strong. We stood strong together and said no in the face of utter defeat. We stood strong together to carve our path and make our name be known. For we will not let Versia be overrun by the callous, greedy psychopaths that dominate the government - we will fight! And we will fight no matter where we are: the streets, the hills, the forest, the caves, until our bones creak and our muscles bleed. Even then we shall never give up, because great men fight for something beyond themselves. They fight for a great cause. Do you fight for a great cause!"

"For a free Versia!" A few of Ghosts chanted back.

"Are you going to let a minor defeat set you off this cause?"


"Are you going to let Nest gloat over your defeat?"

"NO!" The Ghosts were beginning to come around, their hearts swayed by the sheer confidence Kyle exuded as well as the belief of their comrades.

"Then STAND UP!" Kyle punched his fist into the air. "STAND UP FOR FREEDOM! For we fight even in death for a better world - the Ghosts of Versia will carry the dreams and hopes of all those who have gone before us, towards a better future!"

"FOR A FREE VERSIA!" The Ghosts stood up en masse and roared in full force, the tent shaking a little from the frenzy and subsequent stomping.

"Good. Gear up. We leave in a day to re-establish ourselves in Desham." Kyle clenched his fist. "Dismissed!"

With the morale of the Ghosts now heightened significantly, Kyle began to also plan ahead for the relocation. He moved towards the supply tent, only to see a groggy Feldon barely recovering from the headache, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry, boss, I uhh kind of missed the speech. Could you say it again for me?"

Kyle ignored Feldon and instead got to work. He had Feldon tally up all the collected supplies, as well as organize them into proper backpacks for the workers to carry. There was no wagon or vehicles of any sort - the wheels would not have been able to traverse the soggy mud and piles of trash scattered all around the Rotten Chamber. Having the encampment did not mean that they were free from a monster attack by either the rock spiders or a salamander, and Kyle needed the workers to be as mobile as possible instead of being bogged down in sludge.

Sasha, too, was slowly recovering, and the hours passed with Kyle restocking everything he needed into his loadout, reloading pellets, and replacing spent arcia crystals. He also used an evacuated arcia etcher to continue crafting explosive projectiles to be utilized in the railguns, serving as his strongest weapon so far.

It was the twelfth hour since they arrived when a sudden loud booming tremor shook the entire cavern, the pillars of trash jostling slightly. Unlike a usual noxious salamander attack, this tremor seemed to come from the chamber itself, the sound of walls shifting and gnashing against each other amidst hidden mechanisms beyond the walls. That's not good.

"What, what's going on?" Feldon tried to stabilize himself, the shaking enough to knock him over if he did not support his weight on a crate. The Ghosts were all also woken up, scrambling to get their gear and prepare for any incoming fight.

However, after five minutes, the rumbling completely stopped, with no sign of an imminent attack or ambush. Kyle squinted his eyes in suspicion as he looked around the chamber, the environment has not changed in the slightest. That's not good. He knew that this was a Galactic Era ruin, and any activation of a mechanism meant that either a trap was engaged or that defensive physical barriers were being deployed. "Feldon, do we have anyone out there?"

"Except the forward scouts we sent to Desham, no. No one." Feldon shook his head.

"Sasha, are you good enough to move?"

[Perfectly fine, sir.] Sasha nodded, grabbing her railgun and runic falchion as her two primary weapons.

"Check the exit tunnel we found last time that led to Desham. Make sure it's still open. Feldon, get all the Ghosts geared up."

Sasha nodded and left immediately, sprinting through the Rotten Chamber. The encampment went into high alert, some of the Ghosts nervously looking around as the atmosphere became tense. Kyle too donned everything he needed, the exosuit arm still worn on his right arm. Unfortunately, his worst fears became true, Sasha reporting back that the tunnel to Desham had been closed off. [It looks like the tunnel is sealed off by a door.]

"Can it be destroyed? Shoot a railgun projectile at it."

A dull boom from the distance echoed through the chamber. [No effect, sir. Not even a scratch.]

I never expected my railgun to damage a Galactic Era wall either way. "Feldon, you're with me. Rest of you, stay in this encampment and hold this ground." Kyle ordered, leaving with Feldon to join Sasha.

A sturdy metallic door had completely sealed off the tunnel, with no apparent electronics panel next to anything. Kyle tried to use his exosuit arm to wrench the door open but could not find a proper grip, the door leaving no gap. He decided not to use any of the skills, especially when the Rotten Chamber was in an unknown state. For all I know, there could be a new type of creature coming to attack us.

Still, there was no indication of any trial being initiated in the dungeon, which confused Kyle. He spent a few more minutes at the tunnel's door, checking for any potential signs while Feldon and Sasha split up a little further, everyone looking for clues. Suddenly, Feldon shouted out to Kyle. "Uhhh, Boss? Was this here before?"

Kyle rushed over to Feldon, noticing a sparkling yellow line that was glowing beneath a shallow pool of sludge. The yellow line zigzagged, seemingly heading straight for the tunnel door, but there was no sign of it on the surface of the door nor on the walls around it. Where does this line go...?

Feeling that it was a trap, Kyle traced the line back, but cautiously, not rushing ahead, with Sasha and Feldon bringing up the rear. They could see rock spiders skittering around along the pillars and ceiling of the chamber, though by now, the rock spiders were all far too afraid to fight them, only aggressive when they were near a nest. The yellow line that Kyle followed snaked through the chamber, leading Kyle further and further towards an unexplored part of the rotten chamber, the established arctech lantern route ending.

In the stretching darkness, the glow of the yellow line became more apparent, going off into the horizon toward the depths of the chamber. None of the Ghosts, including Sasha and Feldon, had explored this far, mostly due to the time taken to traverse here. "We'll need to determine where the line leads. If I'm right, the line should lead us to whatever activated that door closure. Get three squads of Ghosts to come here, and bring enough supplies to set up an intermediate rest point."

Under Kyle's orders, a pitstop was setup at the edge of the explored area, a few backpacks hauled to and fro by escorted workers, three squads of Ghosts also lining up. Kyle was not willing to use everyone, unsure of what danger laid ahead. If he had all Ghosts here and they perished, it would make subsequent recovery extremely difficult. Only when he was certain they were ready, did they finally push forward with the investigation.

The unexplored section of the chamber was not that different, but as they traveled along, the pillars of trash subsided more, replaced instead with decaying mounds of fungi, plants, and dead rock spiders stacked up, their flesh being eaten by bacteria, insects, and other opportunistic flora. This section was further from where the sewage and sludge fell, which meant it received the least nutrients.

The mud and sludge gradually decreased in prevalence; instead, they were replaced with the original floor of the chamber, smooth dark green stone tiles with a single yellow line trailing through. Arctech lantern posts were set up every length of the way, and it only took about twenty minutes of walking before they finally came upon a corridor similar to the one they had first used to enter the Rotten Chamber. Its end was unknown, but the yellow line stretched all the way inwards.

"One squad stays here to guard the entrance." Kyle motioned with his hands. "Two squads follow us in." They delved into the mysterious corridor, the same dark green stone tiles used to form its surface. However, Kyle suddenly began to notice that the once intricate decorations were suddenly far more recognizable. I know these drawings. Even Feldon and Sasha were aware of it, their eyes unable to look away from the beautiful drawings that glittered like stars even with the arctech lantern posts set up in sequence.

The ramifications of the engravings made Kyle pause immediately, having doubts about his plan for the first time in a long while. The yellow line could be leading us to a trap. If these drawings are the same one I know, then the entire squad of Ghosts may very well be annihilated. I can't afford that. The Ghosts did not have the same System skills that Kyle did, and he would not be able to protect them all from what was to come. "Both squads, return to the encampment."

"Huh?" The Ghosts were confused by the sudden order.

"That's an order. Only Feldon, Sasha, and I will proceed. This is the best way forward." Kyle urged, forcing them to retreat back down the corridor.

Feldon and Sasha, too, were stunned by Kyle's decision. "What's going on? What's going to happen?"

"I do not know, but if I'm right, the more people we have with us, the more dangerous it will be," Kyle murmured cryptically, leaving Feldon and Sasha confused, though they still carried on down the corridor.

The corridor was just as long as the first corridor, though Feldon paid much more attention to the drawings on the walls. "You know, looking at it now, it feels like its a story. Let's see here... five spheres were carried around in darkness, but one of them was polished too hard...? I think I'm reading this entirely wrong."

[Sir, can you give us any hint as to what is to come?] Sasha asked telepathically.

"A beast so great that even I may have a hard time killing it. In fact, I'm not entirely sure if we will be able to kill it." Kyle spoke, Feldon, yelping in fright.

"Then what the hell are we doing? We should turn back, too!"

"No. We need that tunnel exit open, and this yellow line is probably the one activating it. We're not going to fight the beast; we're simply going to open the tunnel door. I will not fight the beast head-on unless it is absolutely necessary."

Feldon gulped instinctively, his legs shivering with each step, while Sasha held a grim expression, checking her railgun again once more to assure herself that she was ready. After walking for another fifteen minutes, the end of the corridor became visible once more, but this time there was a bright light coming from beyond, much unlike the dim ambient luminescence of the algae around.

Kyle squinted his eyes as he entered a new cavern with Feldon and Sasha, the light from the ceiling blinding and forcing his eyes to adjust accordingly. As his vision began to stabilize, he noticed the layout of the cavern was extremely strange. There was almost nothing inside, the chamber completely clean and devoid of any form of life, save for five gigantic pillars that towered more than five stories high, arranged in a pentagram around a central square. There were three other doors placed around the edge of the chamber, all of them sealed save for the corridor from which they came.

At the very center of the square, there too was a single pillar three meters high, except there was a woman tied to it, her arms bound around it while her face was locked in an expression of pain. The lower half of her body was missing, while her ribs seemed to have merged with the pillar itself. Her hair was long enough to stretch to the base of the pillar, clearly showing that she had been here a long time.

Feldon internally shrieked, clutching his repeater as tight to his chest as possible. "Who the fuck is that? What is someone doing down here?" Feldon's voice could be heard through the chamber, yet the lady was unresponsive, her eyes apparently looking upwards to the bright light.

Kyle looked up at the source of the light before noticing that it was a gigantic arcia crystal, its radiance dazzling while the reflections showed an assortment of colors. He intuitively felt that something was off, but not because of the strange layout. Weird, those drawings were clearly indicative of an alien ritual. Yet I don't see any sign of the ritual here. Was it a fake?"Check the surroundings first. Look out for traps. Pressure plates, that sort."

The three split up carefully, and each step was measured as they walked through the chamber. There was almost no place to hide, with the granite floor being cleaned. Not even a speck of dust could be found on the floor, as though it had been regularly cleaned. However, there were no other signs of life save for the lady in the center.

"No way in hell we're going to touch her, are we?" Feldon gingerly asked, but he already knew the answer in his heart. All three of them could see that the yellow line stretched towards her, ending at her pillar itself.

"Get ready for anything," Kyle warned, but even now, he did not know what was about to happen. Everything here was new to him, and he had no System messages to inform him of what was going on in the first place. He considered using the railgun to blow off the lady in the center, but he was worried about damaging any potential electronics or control mechanism necessary to re-open the exit of the Rotten Chamber. "Sasha, take up a sniper position on the left. Feldon, on the right. If I say run, you run for the exit immediately, no questions asked. Understood?"

Sasha and Feldon nodded, taking up their positions and preparing for the worst. Kyle knew that the moment he approached the lady, something strange was going to happen. It could be a Trial or worse. He cautiously approached the square, inching forward slowly while ready to fight at the drop of a hat. The lady did not respond to Kyle's movements; her gaze locked onto the gigantic crystal embedded into the ceiling.

As Kyle got nearer, he noticed that the lady's body was not exactly human. Three large glowing marble-like spheres had been placed in her shoulder, chest, and face, and arcia energy was continuously pulsating in and out of her body. Even when Kyle got within a centimeter of her, nothing happened at all. No message popped out, and Kyle didn't sense any ambush about to happen. What the hell is going on?

He investigated the pillar the lady was bound to, noticing that it was devoid of any drawings like the one he had seen in the corridor. Based on his estimates, the pillar seemed to have been placed here fairly recently, about a century ago or so. Going around the back of the pillar, he spotted an electronics panel, the yellow line disappearing into it. Flicking the panel open, he saw a simple switch box; some of the switches were activated, while others were not. Using his knowledge of circuitry from his former life, he carefully ascertained which switch toggled the yellow line.

With a flick of the correct switch, the yellow line instantly turned off, a low rumbling sound just like before activating. "Yes, we did it!" Feldon cheered but quickly clutched his mouth in case he woke up the lady. Still, despite Kyle's actions and Feldon's impromptu celebration, the lady did not react at all, the arcia energy still pulsating steadily.

This place is far too strange. "Let's head back quickly." Kyle was about to step away from the pillar when he saw a red line shoot out from the pillar, but instead of tracing back the path of the yellow line, it shot forward to another door on the opposite end, opening it to reveal yet another corridor. He quickly aimed his railgun at the door, expecting a creature or an attack to come out from it, but to his surprise, there was nothing at all, the red line trailing off into the distance as well.

"We don't need to follow that red line, do we? We already got the tunnel open!" Feldon urged, and Kyle agreed, too. It wasn't worth the risk, especially when he did not know what to expect further into the dungeon. I should come back later and figure out what is happening. After I control Versia.

Feldon let out a sigh of relief as they retreated back down the corridor without incident, though Kyle remained completely clueless as to why no trap had been sprung. I was certain that something terrible was going to happen there... is it because of my status as an Administrator?

As they reached the exit of the corridor, another low rumbling could be heard, though the yellow line did not appear again. "Back to the encampment, then we should be ready to move out. Pack up the intermediate point. Send one squad to check that the tunnel is open." Kyle got the Ghosts back on track, with the forward squad confirming that the tunnel's door was now indeed open. However, as soon as they began to move away, a sudden bolt of lighting erupted without any warning, lancing through the corridor they had just come out from. The lighting bolt turned out to be a sword, the sonic boom blasting the Ghosts apart while it tore through whoever was unfortunate to be in front of its path, searing a gaping hole through their bodies and killing three.

The sword was aimed right at Kyle, who quickly used his exosuit arm to deflect it, sending the sword spiraling out of the way and lodging itself into the ground. The sudden attack caught Kyle off-guard, only now noticing that there was a lone man approaching from behind, three swords strapped to his back while he had a sword in each arm. He walked calmly as the surviving Ghosts fanned out while the workers scrambled for safety, arcs of lightning running up and down the swords as the lone man glared at Kyle with a killing gaze.

"Trying to steal my dungeon and leave? That's not very nice of you now, is it?"

<---Chapter 115 - Grand Exhibition (3)  | Table of Contents | Chapter 117 --->


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