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    Joe (17) makes his way home from school and greets his mom after entering the kitchen. She looks up from her phone and greets him back, saying, "Hey, hun, how was school?" Joe, having a pretty average day, responds, "Meh, it was alright, I guess. Not much happened." She then replies, "Ah, so a pretty lazy Friday, then. That's good. I was thinking we could do a movie night tonight, maybe have some popcorn with it."

Joe seems pretty on board with the idea but suggests having pizza instead since popcorn isn't really a good dinner. She agrees, saying that they can do that. Joe is happy with this and then asks if Jake (13) is home from school yet. Mom responds, "I think he had a club but should be home soon."

A pounding of footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs, and Jenny (9) enters the room. She is Joe and Jake's little sister, who apparently overheard the suggestion of pizza. She says, "Did someone say pizza?" Joe responds, "No, but we are getting some for dinner." She gets annoyed at being told no, as she can tell Joe is messing with her, but she shrugs it off and says, "Can I get meatballs?" Joe says, "As long as it doesn't touch my pepperoni, you could get anchovies for all I care."

Their mom interjects, saying, "Yes, you can have meatballs, and Joe, you can get pepperoni." That's when they hear the front door open, and they all look to see Dad walk in. He comes in with a cheery mood and says, "What's all the commotion? I could hear you all arguing from outside," he says jokingly. Joe then says, "We're gonna have some pizza and watch a movie tonight," in a pretty excited voice.

Dad enthusiastically says, "Now, that sounds like a good evening. So, am I invited to this party?" Jenny giggles at this, and Joe says, "Of course, you're invited, but I don't know about Jenny. It might be past her bedtime by then." Jenny stops giggling and gets mad, saying, "It's Friday, my bedtime isn't until 11."

Joe and Jenny then engage in a bit of back and forth, eventually being shut down by Dad, who says, "If you two don't cut it out, both of you will see an 8pm bedtime." Everyone laughs because they can tell by Dad's tone that he was joking. Mom then says, "Well, I think Jake should be home really soon, and then we can figure out what everyone wants on their pizza and pick out a movie to watch."

Almost on cue, the front door is heard being opened, and Jake makes his way inside. Seeing everyone together, he makes a joke about the situation, saying how they didn't all have to wait for him. Ironically, that's exactly what they were doing, and as they tell him the plans for the night, he seems just as excited. He mentions wanting to watch a fairly new superhero movie, but when Joe points out that it's a comedy, Jake says, "Yeah, but it's also a superhero movie, and it looks pretty good." Joe agrees, and Jenny also chooses that movie. Mom and Dad seem content to let the kids choose the movie, so Mom takes everyone's orders for pizza toppings to make sure everyone is happy. Joe and Jake are fine with pepperoni, while Mom, Dad, and Jenny opt for meatballs.

A couple of hours pass, and they eventually order the pizza. Everyone reconvenes in the living room once they have served the pizza. They start the movie and enjoy their pizza. The movie continues until Jenny's attention is caught by a scene where the main hero uses one of his multitude of powers to turn two of the bad guys into little kids. Little did the family know that this scene in this goofy superhero movie would have such an impact on them. Jenny watches it wide-eyed and wishes she could do that to her brothers to see how they would like being little and getting picked on by an older sibling.

After the movie ended, Jake and Joe went back to their shared room for the night. Jenny waited until everyone had gone to bed, and then she sneaked into their room. She attempted to do what the hero did in the movie. She started with Jake, focusing on making him little. After a bit, she went over to Joe and did the same. However, she felt that since he was older, she'd need to focus extra hard on him, so she did it even longer. She focused and focused until she grew bored and said to herself, "It was worth a try," and began to walk out of the room.

But then she heard Jake scream, and it didn't sound right. Instead, it sounded like a kid half her age screaming. Jake (5) screamed, "What happened to me? My hands, why do they look like this, and my clothes are huge now!" Joe woke up from all the noise and shouted back, saying, "What are you whining about?" But this caused Joe (2) to gasp and cover his mouth at the sound of his voice and the new lisp he had now developed.

Mom and Dad burst into the room, causing Jenny to jump a bit at the chaos she had most likely caused. They looked at Jenny and then at Jake and Joe, seeing the changes. They asked, "What's going on in here?" Jenny said, "I think I turned Jake and Joe into little kids." They looked at Jenny, then back at the two young boys in their sons' beds, and then back at Jenny, their faces filled with confusion.

Mom and Dad just looked like they couldn't understand any of this but were quickly snapped out of it. Dad said to Jenny, "How did this happen?" Jenny replied, "I just did what the superhero guy did in the movie. I just didn't want to be the littlest anymore, so I tried to do what he did to those bad guys that he turned into little kids, and I guess it worked."

Mom and Dad looked at each other and figured that it was more important to make sure Jake and Joe were alright first, since it didn't seem like something they could simply fix just by having knowledge of what happened, at least if it was coming from what Jenny had told them. So Mom went to help Joe, and Dad helped Jake. Mom said, "Joe, are you OK?" Joe, still confused and stunned from what happened, responded with, "Smaww, so smaww." Dad's response from Jake wasn't much better as he said, "I can't be a little kid, Dad. I got stuff I need to do."

So Mom scooped Joe up and brought him into the bathroom, where she got a towel and some Bobby pins, using them to make a makeshift diaper. Joe asked, "Why towel?" But Mom just said, "It's absorbent, and you're two, honey. We don't know if you're going to be able to use the bathroom like that, regardless of control. You might be too little to even sit on the toilet."

As for Jake, there wasn't much that Dad could do for him, so he just sat with him until Mom and Joe returned from the bathroom. Joe, now sporting a towel diaper and being carried by their mom, entered. She said to Dad, "What should we do?" Dad said, "How about I run to the store, and you stay here and watch them while I do that? They need clothes, and we're not going to get them staying here." Mom agreed to that plan and led Jake downstairs while still carrying Joe, who didn't seem too happy about being carried. Dad hurriedly got dressed and grabbed the keys, saying, "I'll be back as soon as possible," and left, leaving Mom with her newly minted toddler and kindergartener. They all sat in the living room.

Throughout this, Jenny was worried she'd be punished or just be in trouble in general, but she was also kind of excited to be the big sister now. She then said to Mom, "Wow, Joey is so cute now." Joe gave her a look of anger, and she said, "Well, you are though." Joe then looked away in frustration, while Jake just sat there, feeling a bit like he was getting much more time to be left with his thoughts than Joe was. Jake then said to Mom, "Do you think this will wear off?" But Jenny chimed in and said, "It didn't in the movie; I'm pretty sure they were stuck like that." Jake then said, "Well, this isn't a movie," snapping at her.
Mom then chimed in and said, "Jake's right; this isn't a movie, and we don't even know if you copying the movie caused this." Jenny blurted out, "Then why would they have gotten younger like that?" Mom replied, "Like what?" Jenny then shyly said, "Well, I figured that since Joey was older than Jake, I'd need to spend more time making him younger than Jake, and well, it looks like it worked since he's so little now."

Mom sighed and said, "It doesn't matter now. Let's just try and wait for daddy to get back, okay? Maybe we can watch some TV till then." She turned on the TV and gave Jenny the remote, saying, "Find something to put on," as she placed Joe on the couch and made her way to the kitchen.

Joe, Jake, and Jenny watched TV, but Jake said, "I don't want to watch this. Change the channel or give me the remote." Jenny looked at the now five-year-old Jake and said, "I don't think so, squirt," then laughed as she held the remote over his head. Meanwhile, Joe just opted to sit there, not really seeing a point in trying to fight over the TV in his current state. But he suddenly felt weird as the towel he wore grew warm, so he looked down to see the towel grow darker, and the couch seemed to suffer a similar fate. As Joe noticed this, he called out, "Mooooom."

She hurried back to the living room, and Jake and Jenny stared at Joe as he said, "I think I peed." Everyone went from looking at Joe to looking at his diaper, and Jenny said, "Ewww," and Jake said, "Ahh, I'm right here, dude," as he hopped off the couch, worried he got his oversized shirt wet from the couch.

Mom looked at him with care in her eyes and said, "It's okay, Joe. You're little now; it's probably gonna happen. Let's get you changed out of that towel, okay?" Mom then took Joe back to the bathroom, where she removed the pins and got a new towel and redressed him in it. Joe was too embarrassed to say anything during the ordeal, so she just did it as quickly as possible to save him some dignity. They soon returned to Jake, who was crossed-armed, and Jenny, who was smiling as they watched TV. Joe was then placed on a blanket that Mom spread out on the floor for him. Joe was soon sucking his thumb unconsciously as he began to doze off from all the excitement as everyone else settled on the couch, except Mom, who went about cleaning the wet spot on the couch.


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