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Hey everyone thanks for all the support we're currently at 14 patrons and my current goal is to hit 20 I'd love to get some feedback on my upload schedule I can't actually make time to write more then one story a week due to my worry of burning out but I'd like to know if you all feel like the 3$ base seems fair for the amount I write a month also I'd like to ask if you have people who you think would enjoy the stories I write would you share the stories via my deviantart page here's a link to that if you aren't following there


Share it to wherever you feel comfortable such as discords that allow it, the platform formally know as Twitter, reddit, heck even Facebook just where ever you feel comfortable. Also I'd love some feedback on some of the most recent stories due to an increase in shifts I've been taking I feel like some stories have taken a hit due to doing some doubles on Sundays it made me feel like a couple of them didn't turn out as good as they could be so I'd like to know which ones were your favorites. Again I'm talking about recent stories also I'm hoping to continue Tim's Genie Encounter very soon I'm hoping to work on it next week hopefully but it really depends if I get hit by inspiration for something else before then which might make me write something else but for now that's the plan.

On last thing I have been using chat gpt to roleplay and was wondering if I should post the conversation logs of those and if anyone is interested in them. They get pretty involved surprisingly.


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