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                         Chapter 2
The Embarassment Of Extreme Youth

     Tim's story continues as he waddled over to his toys with a growing fascination for them. He felt the urge to put them in his mouth, but he wasn't sure why. His newfound baby body couldn't help but comply with it, so he picked up one of the blocks and thought about how difficult it might be to play with. However, he wondered if it might have a taste that was worth trying. He let his pacifier fall out of his mouth and placed the block, corner first, into his mouth and started drooling all over it. It was about this time that he realized how good it felt to chew on something. The way it felt on his nearly toothless mouth made him lose all sense of reason and self. He zoned out on his new obsession, until his mommy picked him up and removed the wooden plaything from his mouth. "Uh-uh, that's not for chewing, little Timmy," she scolded him. She then picked up the pacifier, cleaned it off, and replaced it with the block. This snapped Tim out of his state of regression, which for the first time since he was transformed, scared him. He was now concerned about losing his mind to his now miniature body.

She then checked his diaper and announced, "All dry! What a big boy you are!" This caught Tim off guard, since not too long ago she had changed his diaper. Does this mean to imply that he wets his diaper so frequently that being dry for 10 to 20 minutes was some form of accomplishment? This question was answered for him as, without warning, mommy said, "Oops, I guess I jinxed it. Oh well, you're still not all that wet. You can keep that one on for a little bit longer, at least until you wet again." Tim then started to tear up and attempted to say that he's not a baby and doesn't need diapers, but to Tim's dismay, it sounded simply like a bunch of "mmmhmms" and "bababa" sounds. This then made his mommy say, "Oh, you want your baba? Such a smarty pants, you'll be speaking in no time at all, sweety." She then took him into the kitchen and placed him in a weird chair. It took him a minute, but he soon realized it was a highchair. He began to shuffle in the chair as it was an embarrassing position to be in and he was really starting to get tired from all of this impossible stuff that had befallen him in the past hour or so.

   She began preparing a bottle as he squirmed in his high chair and was hoping this wouldn't take that long. She brought the bottle over to him and said, "My big thirsty guy is ready for his baba, yes he is," which made Tim blush as he wasn't used to being baby-talked. While it was super embarrassing, he was actually starting to enjoy it. She put the bottle on his chair and walked back over to the cabinet. She grabbed something out of it and a spoon from the drawer and made her way back over to Tim. She popped the lid on some kind of jar, and he tried to read what it said, but it was written in a foreign language of some kind. Now that he thought about it, the blocks he was playing with were also marked with some kind of unusual writings he didn't know. But before Tim could fully go over the details in his head, he began to hear a funny noise. It was coming from his mommy, she was doing something with the spoon. She began making chugga chugga chugga noises repeatedly. He wasn't sure why, but she did look funny and he couldn't help but giggle at her. She was also making a silly face which didn't help at all. Right when he started laughing, she took her moment and drove the train into the tunnel so to speak. This caught Tim off guard as he reflexively closed his mouth on the spoon, only to be met with the taste of something icky. It was some kind of vegetable, which one he couldn't tell you, but mommy sure could. She says, "What a big boy, eating you strained peas." Tim was a bit grossed out by this, but like most of his day, he wasn't really getting a choice in this. He did attempt to keep his mouth closed, but he fell for every trick in the book: the airplane, the car, and even the train again. He was feeling utterly defeated by the end of the jar and the worst part was, he definitely got more on him than in him like a real baby would. He was then wiped off with a wash rag and taken out of his high chair. His mommy had him in one arm and the bottle in the other. He thought that she was going to let him drink it in the playpen or something like that. But he was then led into a nursery room where she sat in a rocking chair and began to feed him directly from the bottle. The whole while, his face was pink as can be from sheer embarrassment, not only from the bottle feeding itself but also from the fact that he was made a complete fool out of during his mush feeding. As he subconsciously drank from the bottle, he wondered how much of his mental faculties had become that of a baby. But it's probably more accurate to say he thought "why me, has baby brain" just so you can get an idea of his mental vocabulary. As he pondered his future, he remembered his third wish that might get him out of this somehow. That idea was short-lived however, as he realized that he hadn't seen let alone had a drawing utensil once since he'd become like this. Again, his mommy cut his thought process off though.


   Tim's mother begins to pick him up and bring him over to the changing table. She starts to untape his dirty diaper and as she does, she comments "Oh my, someone made a stinky." Tim's face turns red with embarrassment, especially since he hadn't even known that he had used his diaper in the first place. His mother gently wipes him clean, removing the soiled diaper and getting a clean one out. She then places it under him, adding powder and diaper rash cream. As she applies the cream, she points out "Gotta make sure my little man doesn't get a rash during his nap." Tim lay there feeling humiliated and helpless as his mother finishes up the diaper change. After Tim finishes up his bottle mid diaper change, his mother declares it's time for a nap. She tapes up the clean diaper and begins changing him into his pajamas. Once he's all snug in his teddy bear jammies Tim's mother picks him up and brings him to his crib, where she tucks him in and kisses his forehead before leaving the room. Tim lay there feeling exhausted and confused, still trying to process all that had happened to him in the past few hours. He hopes that he'll get a chance to use the power of his third wish before he starts potty training since by then what'll be the point. He then sits up in the crib and wiggles about noticing how comfy his outfit is not just the pajamas but even the diaper feels pretty comfy at least when it's dry.  He then sees a teddy bear next to him and grabs it thinking to himself he'll fix it when he wakes up.


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