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Wanted to share with you this crazy lineart with faked perspective, and shacked lines I did yesterday before messing up more with more ink today ^^'. Anyway, you can get the mood in which we are going.

On another topic, there is a quite big drop in backers here, so I will have to change the password soon again, and just some words to inform you for what next.
I'm entering in the real hard production of my comic, which is my main goal, and for which I build at first this patreon page: being able to get some support while making a long time work with any revenue.
So, I will now share mostly things related to it and totally finished  scanned pages also progressively. There will still be side stuff of course, but less than previously if all gets good. It's 44 pages long, A3+ with a lot of stuff to draw. It's the long run. That's it! Thanx for the support so far, it's means a lot especially currently with new shit on Tumblr and Wordpress concerning the potential selling of all the data there to AI company... what a time... Cheers!




I see what you mean by the fake perspective (and depths). Still, very interesting.


Thanx! I draw all the perspective at the feeling without ruler because vanish points are very too far. Often not really easy because your eyes and hand when you draw focusing only one some part of the drawing tends to correct always some lines in a bad way. But the organic aspect of the ship make it work at some point I guess.


Daaaaaaaamn this looks like something Ledroit would have painted for Requiem! It's incredible


I have buy the first one in 2000 ^^'!! It's really a big reference for me when young even if the last issues bored me a bit...