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Finally the first page!! Took time goddammit...
I hope to stick with this style and quality for the next to come, even if it's quite long to do. I hope also to be faster ^^'.
I wanted to use some ink-washing for halftones, to get something more "ambient" or something like this, but my paper is too thin, so I decided to use a bit of graphite pencil instead. I wanted to try this since a long time, but the tests I made were not very concluant. I hope it will be this time. 

I will upload progressively on the site the Silence 3 comic pages when done in the same post like for the previous rough comic I shared. It's here only a photography as I don't have my scanner currently, but I will reupload the page when I will be able to scan it. Have a good weekend!




This is so intense and quiet. My brain even went silent for a sec looking at this. Incredible


Thank you so much!! Trying to render that feeling of space the best I could with ink.