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Something a bit different this time, as I struggled with some hand drawing recently, I wanted to share just some thoughts about it.

As you may know, hands can be very hard to draw (and even AI prompter know it well ^^). Sometimes I draw them very fast, I see well what I want and all is good, but sometimes not.

The first one took me 2 days of struggle, I couldn't see this pose, totally blocked, and it's not totally satisfying, but well at least the pose is understandable. When I'm blocked like this, I try try try again, because it is, in my opinion, when you are blocked like this that you have to improve.

The second one is the first sketch I did of the slicer hands. With the zoom on photoshop, and the intricate pose I didn't see that I drew it upside down!! Damn it! But finally, my feeling was not bad at some point: the silhouette was good, and I just had to draw the top of the hand instead of the back (third and fourth pictures)

To conclude, it's important to be persistent with hands and not give up, references often can help, and the base sketch has really to be good before lineart, too much zoomed stuff on parts can generate mistakes, because the pose and figure as a whole are forgotten.

On the importance of not zooming and of the thumbnails, I will also talk later, especially with comics but not only.




Great to hear your thoughts on this topic, hands are indeed something almost everyone struggles with. I often save them for last...😂 Looking forward to hearing more about your process!


Haha! Fully understand! But sometimes, it's precisely the hands that lead actions you want to draw, and especially in my comics without words, hands are really important to show actions or expressions of something. Well, that's also a way to improve hand drawing ^^'


Totally agree with this, indeed!