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Just a little kind of tip I made for myself while working on the current commission

I found always that the pelvis area is something uneasy to draw well. To be done in a better way there I had to construct a bit a found that I always tend to correct and make things too symmetric which ruins the 3D feeling. That area that is often not seen when you draw the character with standing pose and a basic point of view, t have a depth (joke aside) as long as the legs that are connected there (the anime style and fan service stuff are very aware to how doing it well). That unsymmetrical stuff in mind was helpful for me to remember this hidden depht even for a pose almost from full back. Not sure I'm totally right, but that's an improvement ^^!



Jonny Boy

So cool to see your process


Thanx! I do this often now when I struggle a bit, and I though it could be a bit helpful somehow.