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Hey there.
Well, as said in the title, everything is getting harder and harder for all the artists on the web and especially those involved, even just a bit like me, in the NSFW or erotic things.
We are dying. I'm not venting often, and quite not pessimistic by nature, but it's my feeling currently.
In a really short time, between piracy, NFTs, AI shit, the ban from major plateformes, or now the big censor on TwitterX we are soon totally invisibilized, and no more able to communicate via the web, sinking between AI stuff and the invisibilisation process deliberately orchestrated everywhere. I'm waiting that Patreon (and also kickstarter), because of payment processor, fµck us there too, we will see...I have support here anyway, that's great, and I'm grateful for that. But I have almost no more solid means to make that page something bigger or more sustainable (if it will stay). Have to figure out what to do next. If you have any idea or suggestion... Let me know! Cheers and thanx!



Really sucks and I also often ponder whether I dare to keep my stuff online anymore at this point, even if it's not even that visible. Sad to see all good platforms turn to shit. What are your thoughts on just an email letter, that people could join by request or subscription? I've been thinking about it myself although of course it does not have a lot of possibilities for interaction I suppose. But it would be free of control of a single platform. 🤔


Yeah, I have to involve my self more in this way I think. I get the same advice today, and it's probably the only good way for now. I'm sucking a bit with site stuff etc. but have to go further with that. Thanx a lot for answering.