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Hey everyone, lets dive into the work we are doing for our upcoming update to the main quest.


First of all on the writing side of things, the quest is mostly finished and Valaska is wrapping everything up. This is one of our most lore heavy entries, with the quest document currently standing at over 83 pages... The accompanying smut scene is still being worked on.

I wont go into more details to keep this somewhat spoiler free. Have an unrelated teaser of the last collectible vote result instead:

We also added some dialogue and background to Aya at the Hunters Guild and rewrote part of our first encounter with her, since the original was written at a very early stage of the game development.

Meanwhile Cheese has finished the writing of the quest coming after this update, and is now working on the one coming afterward. I wont give any more details on them now, to avoid spoilers. Adding to that a certain cat girl pole dancing text almost done, the next few updates quests writings are pretty much covered, which will give us some leeway to work on general characters dialogues and world building.


Meanwhile on the animations side, a lot of progress has been made, with 4 new animated sprites, namely the brothel bouncer, Kasper Weiss, merchant marine, and Nailah who we final animated after all this time. She also has a new alternative outfit which we won't reveal just yet.

Zlasova is diligently working on the smut scene animations, which features an interesting choice for our elf...


Our art gremlins have been quite busy lately. In addition to the 4 new sprites mentioned above, they drew 15 new locations(!!) for the game, which are now fully integrated, although most of them are aimed at future quests and wont be accessible by Redic and his crew just yet.

We also have a few smut scenes drawn in advance and even more locations on the way, as well as new side characters...


We redid the entire game input system using the new unity system, and implemented keys rebinding so you can finally assign keys to the actions of your choice.

Then we tackled the game translation. Sadly Avarice has way to much text for professional translation to be affordable to us, and even then, it would take an incredible amount of effort, and we would need to wait until the game is completely done to do it properly, since we constantly add more dialogue and touch older ones.

So we decided to do the next best thing, which is machine translation with the ability for players to improve the translation in their language as they play the game. The first part is already implemented, and we are able to easily translate the whole game, including the menus.

Obviously machine translation quality varies from passable to outright goofy, especially in the smut scenes. But it's better than nothing, and we hope our community will help to improve it as time goes, via a dedicated interface in game which is not yet ready.


We got a new amazing music for the brothel from Dirk J. Neefs who composed a bunch of tracks for us lately, as well as a Osh'to's theme from MesoTroniK.

And to finish we are working on some secret contents which we can't wait to share!

As you can see there is a lot going on in the background, and we are hoping to release the build 27 in the beginning of March, but this is a big one, so no promises.

Have a good one, and thank you for allowing all this with your support!
