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Windows (64bit, 32bit), Linux, Mac.

Alternative links: Mega, Drive.

Cheat code: Pillow

The code allows to cheat (in the options), unlock the gallery scenes /  collectibles / soundtracks, and access the dialogue and quest editors  (F1).

Hey folks, the new build is ready! With more Iski content and a major development to the main story.

This time we experimented with a new kind of animated sprite scene: A certain kobold infiltrates your inn room and assaults your pillow! This type of smut scene event will randomly appear around the city, giving some more life to it and allowing us to explore scenarios we wouldn't consider otherwise with our usual more polished scenes. We also expanded the main story arc: Escort a mysterious individual to his master through the wilderness and dive deeper into Kaldea's elites scheming.

Compared to the beta released a few days ago, among other small things we added Katie animated sprite, and a way to tell when our companions have something to say. For example during the new escort quest, you may click on them when their head sparkle, and get some nuggets of dialogue. Each companion has a unique dialogue in each location we travel to during the escort.

As usual, the save named "Build22" will place you in front of the new content, and we updated the walkthrough with the new main quest. Let us know here or in discord if you find any bug or typo.

Have fun!


- Iski sprite scene (2 animated sprites).

- New main quest development.

- New side quest (saurian farmers family).

- 1 hidden collectible (Iski).

- Laqab Riaz dialogue portrait and animated sprite.

- Master dialogue portrait and animated sprite.

- Katie animated sprite.

- UUlk dialogue portrait.

- Kimber dialogue portrait.

- Improved iski dialogue portrait.

- 4 new locations (Alkeign).

- Visual effect above companions when they want to dialogue.

- Inventory storage available in the party Nathan's inn room.

- General quality settings now affects the fog of war quality as well.




The patreon code doesn't seem to unlock the new scenes, or any of the recent ones.


Yes, and because of some issue with Firefox I can't seem to login to Patreon through the game.


I'm a huge fan of Iski, so i am always up for new stuff of her. :)

Lord Voremort

I unlocked the quest "His guardian elf" and talked to Uulks representative. I ended up defering the quest because I wanted to do others first. But now i can't find the elf in nathans inn anymore... he is gone and so i can't start the quest.


Could you zip and send me your saves folder? C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\TeamDeadDeer\PriceForFreedom At teamdeaddeer@gmail.com