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You usually do hairdo after dressing up.




I guess the order doesn't matter to Lady Wolf, since she follows at the beat of her own drum.

Denial Leon

Wait! Isn't that the lady whom the Naga lady seduced to get the guns!?


Yes, that was a double cross on Lady Wolf’s part I believe. Been a while since looked that far back into the comic.


Just gotta say, Lady Wolf as both her personas look HOT as hell, to bad we didn’t get to see a good sexy scene between her and Nameless though.


Plus, I think Namelessly should take whatever it is Lady Wolf is offering, I honestly don’t see any tricks here.

Josh Hoppstock

FUCKIN HELL you are really good at writing this comic!


Went through the entire backlog and, just have to say... This is excellent. Writing has been consistently interesting and varied with character personalities coming through quite clearly throughout and, though there were a few rough pages, the art has been a joy to behold. So many varied body types, attributes, and the anatomy generally, even with the more bestial characters, is awesome. And so many different poses. Panel structure too- works very well and leads the eye through with no real hiccups. Down right inspiring. Got me to get back into drawing myself. So thanks for that, Dead Deer, and I can't wait to see what happens next.