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Been some time after previous dev log. So where are things now?

We are currently wrapping up the "small" update which include another quest for Samara (and her 2nd love scene will be moved after this quest for cohesion instead of ship flashback quest). We will get a peek at new Kaldea region "slums" which are pretty self explanatory. Home to horde of homeless and its own criminal gang, slums also hosts the biggest wet market in town... among other things there.

This location was made with some space for future quests and exploration, so we will be returning to this part of town more in the future. 

Additionally to keep this update interesting it includes another "small" quest, this time for Verona, and she surely will be full of gratitude once you're done. Trigger for her quest will be set after Mara quest-line to space out her first encounter.

 So if all things go well we should have this update out soon this month. All visual and written content is done, we just need to implement quest scripts and do bug hunting.

But as we mentioned before, the purpose of those small updates were to put foundational content and make assets for future big updates in the background while we are adding side content which would be in the game regardless. So lets take a peek what we have planned in the future.

The big update will advance us more on the main story quest-line. We will finally get a little bit more information on political issues Kaldea and Atlathka have to deal with, visit the last hub location in Kaldea "government district" and do some dungeon crawling... though this time not in a dungeon... mostly.

We should round up our roster of "bandit enemies" with this update 

I will not spoil too much details just yet. But we should have 2 separate love scenes planned, which are mutually exclusive in a single play-through depending on players choice! Intrigue! And abs are back on the menu!

Given this is a pretty big update, we are considering slicing it in 2 half-updates so people wont have to wait as much, with first half containing 1 love scene and quest-line unfinished but cut at convenient point and 2nd half update finishing up leftover content. This shouldn't require any extra work since doesn't mess up chronological order, but if it sounds like bad idea feel free to voice your concerns.

 - Arbuz



I'd prefer steady updates, even if that means smaller ones, to not have another period when no content was released, you know what period I talk about from the past.


I'm the opposite, and would be willing to wait for a larger and more sizable update. It's an RPG afterall, so I would rather play through new content all at once than play shorter chunks.

Xaziana Tenebris

Smaller and more frequent update would allow new sellsword and above members to get added to get added to the in-game credits sooner rather than later

Denial Leon

Im still in the camp of large updates with infrequent intervals, as i like to play through all the new content without having to wait for it to finish.