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Hey, next update still in the works, we still aiming to deliver it in February i will post up progress later on with dev log.

But while at it why not have another vote! This time vote matters more, because this time we have more options that we can implement in the game. So what this vote is about? We let patrons choose first adventure we will implement into the game. Adventure is a big quest or quest chain, separate from main story, but have their own plot and content. Think of it as Umar Hills, D'Arnis Keep, Unseeing Eye quests in Baldurs Gate2, they were long quests which took you a while to explore and solve to a point they sometimes had own sub-quests.

PFF:Avarice plans 3 adventures so far. 1 adventure will definetely be implemented in the game (return to catacombs), but other 2 aren't defined yet, so we let patrons decide on first one!

So what are the options?
1. Return to catacombs - Redic is asked to deal with the undead in the catacombs which we escaped in the start of the game, so we go deeper into catacombs.

2. Dealing with agressive tribes - small miner settlement having issues 2 tribes becoming hostile, which hinders already fragile Kaldea economic situation.

3. Liberate Suuvi Castle - an old castle abandoned a few decades ago, now occupied by bandits, became relevant again with political tensions between Kaldea and Atlathka, but noone can allow to siege it.

4. Investigate the cult - strange happenning and missing people lead a mysterious recently formed cult, redic is hired to investigate.

As always poll token rules apply



Is there any "main plot" advancement in plans (best if it includes more LW)?


Voted cult cause who can resist mysteriously dressed up crazy people


I enjoy being diplomatic. Though the allure of the castle quest is interesting - if it comes with the MC inheriting a castle xD


Cults? Crazy deity worshipers? Sacrificial stuffs? SIGN ME UP! That is one of my favorite RPG themes hence why I love ESO and the daedric cults. Every one of them is more crazy or extreme than the next.


tbh just dealing with more undead seems like the least interesting thing you've proposed here. I mean getting to duel some tribes leader so he and his back down from raiding or sneaking into a old, rickety castle under the cover of night or something sound way better


understandable. But again everything depends on execution, return to catacombs is planned to have different feel to it upon return since we couldn't open all our cards right away. But every adventure is planned to have its own interesting parts.