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5+ backers get 2 vote tokens, 10+ get 3 tokens, 20+ get 5 token. Every tier can spend only 1 token to their OWN suggestion, other token should be spent on other people options. You're allowed not to put out your own option. If you want upvote a suggestion, add a comment as reply to chat suggestion. PLEASE AVOID CHATTER, feel free to discuss vote at our discord.

How write your suggestion: 1-2 sentences describing character appearence, if needed occupation and other traits. You're allowed to provide ONE link with visual reference to ONE specific feature(hair, face, monster parts, other attributes) and can't request specific character as a whole. 

Avaliable races: human\elf of any skintone, lizardfolk (both scalie and human looking), naga (scalie and human half), harpy, ogre (like ko'osh in webcomic but skintone vary), kemonomimi girl (catgirl, wolfgirl, whatever girl).

Minor restrictions: must be female, must be adult, generally fit into fantasy setting.

Vote will be held for several days, we will pick most popular ideas, finalize them into a sketch, and put a poll where winner will be decided.



Humanlike lizardfolk girl with horns like this <a href="https://78.media.tumblr.com/54fe55c3ee7cf054b8a79cfd9fd180e1/tumblr_p2f29dmZQs1s2rbwoo5_1280.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://78.media.tumblr.com/54fe55c3ee7cf054b8a79cfd9fd180e1/tumblr_p2f29dmZQs1s2rbwoo5_1280.jpg</a> Covered with patches of rough red-ish scales, heavy bottom with a medium thickness tail. Professional monster hunter. - Addition by Arbuz 1 token


Wolfgirl <a href="https://68.media.tumblr.com/8d3c2fcc92ccddc6dd44481d237d0e44/tumblr_ogwrr1QpGy1s9w52zo1_1280.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://68.media.tumblr.com/8d3c2fcc92ccddc6dd44481d237d0e44/tumblr_ogwrr1QpGy1s9w52zo1_1280.png</a> - Deck 1 token


1 token large breasted dark elf priestess.


My vote is for any kind of ogre! Bigger the girl, more to love!


A slightly mischevious tarot reading harpy! A gypsie with a myriad of tonics, cures, potions, ans wares she peddles - though her main avenue of business lays in her cards. Raven black hair as dark as her ebony feahers, she'll read your fortune. Or care to press your luck? Long hair and mature with a shapely body - she's aged as a fine wine. - Addition by Valaska 1 token


(edit) Ha, I had forgotten the instructions while writing. WELLLLL... The one-eyed ogre form the previous month's contest is my submission! If she's already grandfathered in, I'll think of something else.


+1 <a href="http://arbuz-budesh.tumblr.com/image/124699969365" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://arbuz-budesh.tumblr.com/image/124699969365</a> &gt;.&gt;


+1 Divinity 2 original sin lizard girl, very tall and slender, small perky breast, reddish scale , were roman style armor, young and not experience about her work, but overly excited and willing to do her duty. She have too big helmet which falls on her face. This hairstyle - <a href="http://arbuz-budesh.tumblr.com/post/168088001595/did-i-ever-mentioned-divinity-lizard-ppl-are" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://arbuz-budesh.tumblr.com/post/168088001595/did-i-ever-mentioned-divinity-lizard-ppl-are</a>


I would like to suggest a kemonomimi cow girl! Noticeably taller than most, black fur/hair with streaks of white woven in. Fur with tribal markings, but in practice she wants to be known as a healer rather than a fighter

the great catfish

+1 how about a nice dark skinned mimic girl that tries to be a merchant (yush yush maybe she doesnt make enough sense)