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Alrighty, its time for first development update post.

Lets cover vote results first.
Hiho = 30 tokens
Osh'to = 28 tokens.

Voting result considers both my personal patreon and this one, all roles votes are multiplied according to their tier (commissioners on personal patreon count as 5usd tier). As well as removing votes of people who no longer are patrons. Osh'to voters are generally minority but got much closer due several high tier votes, but just so close not enough.

Next build plans

We already rounded up plans for next build, we ideally plan to make it in January and will be first patron build. So lets go with stuff we plan to add in new version.

1. Options, Load\Save, Gallery menus


something so mundane, but important part of a game. We had to cut them out in demo to make demo in time before xmas. 

2. Hiho companion.


Vote winner she will be added as next recruitable companion. She will have her own quest line like Samara and, obviously, a sex scene. You will be able to start their quests in any order.

3. New locations. Old docks and additional interior location.

Another town district will be added, which would be the old docks. Previously used as main dock during Kaldea early years, but city quickly outgrew them needing to construct much bigger ones. Land price plummeted down, giving room for various guilds and towns most famous tavern.

New small non-descript interior location will be added, for exploring and quest purposes. 

4. New enemy. Bandit\thug\whatever you call those unpleasant people.

Pretty self explanatory, we cant be killing poor blackfurs forever.

5. Combat. It should be in much better state in next build, we will make more detailed posts about our combat system later on, since its pretty broad topic.

Thats the main features planned, we obviously might add other minor adjustments like additional NPCs, dialog updates\typo corrections and such.



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