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Just a little example of the new "follow me" mechanic.

We are curious if you guys would like to see more random behind the scenes videos / screenshots of the development. We usually avoid them since they inevitably have spoiler elements that might put some people off.


Follow me! - Price for Freedom: Avarice

Price for Freedom: Avarice follow me mechanic.



I personally don't like spoilers, but I recognize that some people do like them. So, my suggestion is create a pledge tier for each tier that also includes spoilers, then people can choose between having the spoiler version of the tier they pledge at, or the non-spoiler tier to pledge at. I realize it would make the tier list twice as long, and might make it look cluttered, but it's the best suggestion I can think of for a platform that doesn't work like Discord does, where you could use a bot to allow individual users choose to add a role that gives them access to a channel connected to the role.


It would definitely be cool to see more stuff like this


Sadly this would be too convoluted for us to manage efficiently. I think a compromise could be to limit ourselves to very minor spoilers. Like we wouldn't show the undead drake beforehand for example.