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Hello there! thanks you for sticking by me

Well whats cooking now?
I'm working in an animation for the Mission Start prompt
I thinking in using the word Course instead of mission, that would be fitting

I also already have an idea for the next animation, this time instead of re-posting it here I will share a video with sounds and character music like Pherl's, it will include the two old Oliv animations and a new one I'm planning

Here something interesting
We are designing some background members from Chlodie's species, we plan on calling them Clodians
By the time the game starts they would be all in Mityur's gut since Chlodie is the last of her species, but it will be interesting having some of them in cages or trying to get out from Mityur's insides in cinematics and cutscenes from before the game's events

Aside from that, out programmers are doing well
The old one is still busy but he said he can implement a Key Binding feature for the game, that is cool!
And we are making advances for the male soldier enemy, his name is Die-R
The reason of why there are male soldiers at all is to make the female ones stand out more
I think that is all I can say for now
Stay tunned, I will have something more to show very soon




Can't wait to see cuties struggling in Mityur's guts