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Images I made as a demostration of how could it look, but they are some years old so now I could sprite it way better

I thought on making the game open-world, but that would be too time consuming, complex and aimless for the player
So I had the idea of a small city you automatically spawn in after every mission you complete or retreat from
The city would work as an interactive game menu, you could walk to the right exit to go to the next mission, or go to your house to learn more about the plot
Maybe there could be missions that after being complete would provide branching paths you could choose in the city by going to one of two exits

The city could also work to collect bonus content and learn more about the characters by going to the right stores, talking to NPCs

An important detail is that the 5 girls would be on their casual clothing when in the city, and to establish how they are the heros they would not be able to eat random citizens, but I plan on adding undercover soldiers and gangs and factions that could attack the player in places like an abandoned factory, an alley, etc

I also thought that one could unlock music to listen or images in there, but that is something one can easilly get in the internet, so I don't think it would worth it

Also I had the idea that the player would not recover his health after the stages, so you could have to walk to a restaurant to refill the hp, but something interesting is that every character haves a different favorite food, here they are:

Pherl: sweets
Lilac: meat
Oliv: juicy fruit
Chlodie: sushi
Oliv: junk food

Maybe the player could learn the girls's favorite food and go to the right place, cause eating generic food would only restore an unit of health and prevent you to go to another food place until the next mission, symbolizing how they spent the money they had

Well thats all for now, you can tell me what you think, and thanks you for your support



Fetish Weirdo

Hmm maybe like there can be a gallery room where you can spawn enemies so the player can use them as test dummies or for munching on them to see the Vore animations whenever they choose?