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Hi there, im back home, lights-out issue has been fixed
While I was out I had time to plan ahead, think of new concepts, and new features
I remembered this old character I made
What do you think? I don't know if I could use her as a playable character, but if you like this concept of forcefeeding+involuntary vore I could use her in more animations, after a small redesign tho



Vik Virtue

Hm, well if we're going the metal slug comparison route, maybe they could be captured along the way of your objective, and they can help out either for a certain amount of time, or if you lose a life (assuming you're going that route, and can respawn where you lost one).


Honestly that enemy design is really good, wanna see her eat someone too…


the fleshy one? I'm not a big fan cause she is too monstruous I might not use her in the game, but I can make an animation for her to be seen here