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Hey there, thanks you for your support
What do you think of the level 3 belly? I already finished every sprite for the level 2, and I'm thinking in making it bigger in case Pherl manages to eat more enemies in little time.

The other sprites you see are the hip toss, a friend of mine suggested me that after I said I was thinking in a charged attack.
But im not very sure, at the start I implemented the hip toss as a homing attack, but it was too unpredictable and also made the dash obsolete
Then I thought about implementing the hip toss as a command attack, like a special move in a fighting game, I think that would be better, but maybe too annyoing to input, and it would still override the dash
Maybe I should just replace the dash with the hip toss
What do you think?



Vik Virtue

The hip toss definitely looks cool, and Pherl definitely looks cute and having the time of her life while doing it. It's funny you mention fighting games, cause it reminds me of R. Mika from Street Fighter. Overriding the dash sounds like a good idea. Sounds like it can lead into, or finish up some combos if done right. As for the belly, it's looking really nice. I wonder how many enemies are actually in there, though?


My thoughts go to utility vs damage, a dash could be used to cover more ground and evade certain attacks while the hip toss could help extend combos but leaves you open if you miss or jump into a certain attack. Otherwise if they were combined then I would say yes to hip toss that works as dodging or initiating an attack/combo


that you say of a drawback for it is interesting still it is a something hard to balance