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 Slowly, the light moved closer, before what seemed like between blinks the light was suddenly upon him, being thrust into his face and causing him to wince and close his eyes upon the comparative blinding brightness. [...]

 Gazing down at him was a giant golden eye - but as his own eyes adjusted, he was able to see it was but a mask - a golden, domed mask embossed with an eye that stared down at him. But that wasn’t the most terrifying thing - the mask was upon a giant furred neck, long and wreathed in gold, horns and ears and more gold jutting out from beneath the mask.


Based off of chapter 1 of my YGO fanfiction, Within the Catacombs !

Just whipped it up for fun, and it turned out well enough I'm uploading it here!  (As usual, please no reposting it elsewhere, thank you!)


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