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Edit: v2 of the AlteaPlayerMod, small update for improved facial expressions!

Hey guys! Please look forward to an update for NomYou coming out soon, but Paws and I caught Covid, so that's slowed a few things down.

In the meantime, here's something fun Paws has been poking around with on the side while we've been sick - Mi 'player' and Altea 'dragon NPC' mods for Churn Vector on Steam!
Also extra: paying Patrons get access to an exclusive 'Player Altea mod' file! This is included at the bottom of this post, please enjoy!

(Before anyone asks - we did get permission from Churn Vector's publisher: Naelstrof! We're friends with them and got a bit of help from them with developing this mod. )

The Mi 'player' mod and Altea 'dragon NPC' mods are already public on the Steam Workshop - check them out below!

Altea: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3199897960
Mi: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3200123709

(For AlteaPlayerMod: Manual Mods go into AppData\LocalLow\ArchivalEugeneNaelstrof\ChurnVector\mods)



Darrick Wardell

I think I'm dumb I can't find the folder to put the AlteaPlayerMod in. Even searching for the folder above.

Thomas Bygrave

does anyone how to do it on windows?


Is there a way to get the Altea dragon mod for the Itch.io version of churn vector?