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Dancing Slow "Jacquelyn"

Written by Morgan Velasquez 

Em G D

G D Em


How have you been

The mood is feeling bright


what have you said

Your voice quiet tonight

I believe the words you spoke to me

When I hear the letters silently yelling


where have you been

The moon is shining without you

To the girl in the middle of the room

Everyone is dancing her tune

Where did she go

Dancing so slow

Why does the night play a too loud

Everyday I’m wishing that song

would never end and wouldn’t be so lost


how long has it been

The room is quiet without you

If I sit right here

Where the air is clear

There’s a moment I rest before my heart breaks again

And now you’re there, in the middle of the room

And Everyone is dancing your tune

Where did you go

Dancing so slow

Why does the night play a little too loud

Everyday wishing that song

would never end and wouldn’t be so lost


Jennie Shortridge

You have such a beautiful vibrato. Love this!

Patricia L. Meek

It is such a privilege to hear your music.