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For anyone who doesn't know, we've been working on our kids album all year when we made a tough decision to re-order the release hierarchy so we could focus on our collaboration album with Morgan's Uncle Ricardo who passed away after a long battle with cancer unfortunately. Not much later the family experienced two more losses. Uncle Ricardo's son Benito passed away. A few months later his younger sister Robin joined them.  Uncle Richard as Morgan knew him was a lifelong musician, horseman and CDOT Driver which he was very proud of. He was out there in the worst of storms delivering snow plows on his big rig and keeping the roads safe for us all. In his younger years he was an avid horseman and auto enthusiast. He struggled with alcohol for many years and finally found peace in spirituality. He loved going to his community baptist church in his pajamas and playing gospel songs on his piano. He left behind this home recorded album playing some of his favorite songs on the piano. He titled it "Blessings from God". We will be joining him in collaboration and releasing the album first to our Patrons. Thank you for being here and supporting our music!



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