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Why do we always look sleep deprived, confused and hungover?  I remember taking this picture, I was so incredibly tired. We had waited all day for an appropriate moment to make a video. The moment Boy went to sleep.  By the time we hit record I was running on the last tiny bit of fuel I could wring from my exhausted mind and body.  Abe and I argued over trivial things before taking these snapshots.  You can tell I'm tired and confused as Abe tries to explain the finer details of his plan.  We agreed and went for it.  I look back at this photo and remember the people we were then and now. This moment was pivotal for us because it marked a starting moment in a string of moments (not good ones) that would lead us to finding out what we really love to do. It's like those episodes of Fraser where there's a dual reality. In one reality he starts his day wonderful and it ends in pieces. In the the other reality his day starts complete shit and ends with a fairytale.  That's this reality!


Abe and Morgan: Lost and Confused


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