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It’s been a long and stressful, strenuous & strengthening year. We peaced out early in the year following the loss of several loved ones near and far. We’ve seen more terror than we knew our hearts and eyes could hold and also been awakened to so many new realities and friends on our journey. If we’ve been quiet it has been to heal and during our healing the losses continued and added onto themselves. Maybe they were lonely.

We have quietly been moving through recording our kids album in between tears and continue to push to finish recording so we can move into the next 2 albums already in waiting. We’ve discussed several options to get those recorded and distributed as soon as possible, including an all acoustic or live album. Our well continues to run dry as we wait patiently for our turn. The nights are getting colder.

The truth is parenting is the only thing that brings a rest from all the fear and heartache floating in the air. It’s the only thing that drives us forward some days. We cling to the bits joy.



Jennie Shortridge

Thank you for this beautiful expression of loss and grieving, and of finding a way through. So many of us are in similar places, and we appreciate all the light and love and emotional truth you bring to every venture. Love you all!