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Hello patrons! Long time not see! It’s been a while since we have posted on here and I just wanted to check in and let ya know how things are going.

I’m gonna be honest with ya, it’s been a rough spring for us. We started out so hopeful and excited to begin new music projects but sometimes thing that are essential to living get in the way of our creative expression.

You see, our well has been having some troubles this year and is showing signs that it is going dry. We still have water now but if we continue to experience severe drought, as is expected, then we may not have water next year during the dry season.

The last couple of months it has been our mission to get our well drilled deeper and install a solar well pump system. This is no small feat and it will cost us somewhere in the neighborhood of $10K. We secured a loan, got the well drilling permit and did the necessary deconstruction of the old well house shack that was the only existing structure on our property when we first moved here.

Our needs for additional income and support have never been greater and so we are so extremely grateful to you all for helping us keep our music alive as well! Despite the setbacks we are experiencing we still plan to release a children’s album in 2021 and have started laying down the first tracks.

We also have been just enjoying little moments with our son as he continues to grow knowing that this precious time will pass as he continues to grow and become less interested in spending time with his parents. Right now we are his world and he is ours and so honoring that and doing what we can to enjoy the present moment is so meaningful to us right now.

You may not see us on social media or patreon as often as we would like, but we are still truckin and have some awesome things in the works! Your continued support is so appreciated and we are excited to share share new music and videos with you soon!

With love and gratitude,

Sweet Radish



Rowan Velasquez

Thanks for the update. Best wishes for a smooth install of the well.