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Hey everyone! We wanted to drop in and give you all an update on the goings on in our world.  We've set our digital release for our new album "Ballads & Heartstrings" to be for Valentines Day! Super original release date alert! Not really, but Valentine's day has always been a very special day for us. For years we have used this day to work on creating the things we want to see in our lives. We moved ourselves and over 90 animals in 2016 on valentines day to our new ranch and vacant land. It was our first night here, we were exhausted and freezing. But we felt like kings. We lived in a 7x14 camper and took baths outside under the stars in our wood burning bathtub. Which is literally a bathtub with a fire built under it. We used a towel to keep from burning our bums.  Abe was 26 years old.   In 2017 on Valentines day we moved into our unfinished tiny home with our 3 kid goats, 7 cats and our dog Lizzy.  The floor was made of mud and the snow blew in through the rafters. When the fire was going it was a magical winter wonderland. The greenhouse gets to 120 in the day all year round so it was relatively warm and comfortable. Plants grew out of the cracks in the floor.  It felt like a palace. In 2018 we were preparing to welcome our Izzy into the world and having regular visits from our midwife. It was a whirlwind of preparation and laborous activities. I got sprayed by the same skunk twice while protecting our chicken flock. Lizzy our Dog got hit 4x  before Abe literally caught the skunk with his bare hands and gently placed it in a cage and relocated him. I was holding my cellphone flashlight, wearing flipflops and a nightgown at 3am. We were looking each other in the eyes. Me in my nightgown and the skunk in the cage. His charisma was strong and I could tell that under different circumstances we could have been good friends.  I could tell he was wicked smart and frustrated that we couldn't leave him to get his dinner, but not afraid. When Abe released him into an area of the river with running water and an abundant food supply of crawdads, he pranced off casually looking hopeful. February 14th has always been our special day for work, reflection and movement. So we're getting all ready to have some content posted for you to enjoy and we just got notification that the CD's have been duplicated and are shipping out. We'll make sure to let you all know when we've shipped your albums in the snail mail and when they should arrive! Please send us some positive vibes that our multiple spell checks were not in vain, for high resolution cover art and for good quality audio tones! We love you all! Thank you for your support and patience! We are so stoked to share this album with everyone! 

Image: Cover Art for Ballads & Heartstrings Album created/illustrated by Morgan Velasquez 

*Hint: Each song from the album is represented by an image. 



Rowan Velasquez

Yay! So excited to listen to the album