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We wanted to share this commentary video with our patrons first.  We have several other commentaries made up for anyone who likes the inside deets and stuff. This commentary was a bit of a stumbling process, hopefully the upcoming videos of this nature won't be so stubborn.  But a take or 2 or 6 and I think I got in everything I wanted to say.....for now.  Was also rushed so didn't get a chance to proof watch until later and found out a couple clips didn't come through in the export. Not sure why but I think you get the idea anyways. Can't wait to share our new album with you guys! Hope you're staying safe and healthy! Don't forget to collect all your downloads that we've posted so far. We'll be posting a download for all 14 songs on our new Album here for our Patrons to access at your leisure.  Download them to your computer or phone, burn them to a cd or 7 and share and listen with all your peeps! 


Everything - Sweet Radish (Commentary)

Here's the commentary video for our original song "Everything". Music Video Filmed in the San Luis Valley, Colorado on the Jack Rabbit Hollow Farm Animal & Wildlife Sanctuary. FOLLOW US ON PATREON and find FREE DOWNLOADS! patreon.com/sweetradish Purchase Cd's directly from Sweet Radish BANDCAMP https://sweetradish.bandcamp.com/ Listen for Free and support Sweet Radish simultaneously SPOTIFY https://play.spotify.com/album/5rwFGVZo99T1RncTHFCsUr?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open These are our websites. Go there to learn more about us www.sweetsweetradish.com www.jackrabbithollow.com or reach out to us on your socials: FB INSTA TWITTER


Sharon Shortridge

I just now finally fully understood the significance of your sculpture! I love that pieces were flying off. You are a good friend. Love your music and how meaningful it is!

Sweet Radish

Thanks! I have a hard time throwing stuff people leave behind even when it’s trash. This was a great place to put all of it! 😃

Patricia L. Meek

Great job! Thanks for sharing. Love you all!!