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We found a song written by Morgan's Aunt Jennie that we learned and recorded years ago! While looking over our new album release "Songs of my Father" We decided to  update all our socials and make sure we had all our ducks in order...which we did not.  We found out that we totally did not upload several songs to our download pages due to the fact that we had no internet at the time and were using the wifi in milagros coffeehouse.  Super slow experience, I'm sure for everyone in the coffeeshop. Anyways, we had several "WTF were we thinking" moments during the whole spring cleaning process and we found several recordings that got tucked away in Abe's old laptop.  This song is one of those gems that was recorded and set aside.  Written by Aunt Jennie Shortridge and performed in this recording by: Morgan Velasquez, Abe Rosenberg, Marc Eaton and Wilson Luallen.  The original Sweet Rad crew. Listening back on the recording we both have lots of complaints about ourselves: "My guitar playing is weak, I was pitchy, Could have executed this one better, I can hear the ignorant bliss of youth in my voice"  But one of the things we all agree on round and round is what a great song it is. The lyrics, composition...everything! It's one of those that you don't really need to know what it's about to have at least 3 heartstrings plucked  in the listening process.  We would love to listen to an original recording by Aunt Jennie and Uncle Matt someday!
