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Sorry guys! I brought you in at the wrong spot! My B!  All things considered Garrett and Abe did pretty fantastic on the harmonies for this one! I'm really happy they jumped right in there!   My old music teacher Mrs. Pav always used to say "Attack, Attack Attack that Note!" While striking her wand against the music stand.  I'm surprised she didn't break that little stick more often.  I was repeating this Mantra to Garrett just before the early harmonic release occurred.  I actually think these little fails help release pent up nerves that we all get when faced with the mic.  Even if it's not a frightening experience, we all want to do our best when our voice is being amplified and that thought in itself can be a crippling one.  This kind of moment and Mrs. Pav breaking her batons and throwing loaded erasers at the brass section bring up such fond memories for me. 



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