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Sweet Radish Original Song “The Ice Cream Stand” written by Morgan Velasquez, Composed by Abe Rosenberg. Country Road Audio



Original song "The Ice Cream Stand" by Us! Sweet Radish. This is a rough cut audio recording we set to a clip of us driving down a country road.


Patricia L. Meek

A little Ani a little Neil Young--love the edgy, social politic of this one. Keep em coming!

Sweet Radish

Thanks so much. We love reading this! We’re on a storytelling path it seems. It’s a heartbreaking story in our community, like so many others that are still untold. We are drawn to justice issues and it seems so clear to us that what happened that day at the ice cream stand was not justified but it’s such a complex story so it might need to be told in several songs. 🤔

Jennie Shortridge

Truth to power. Beautiful, haunting, compellling...

Sweet Radish

Thank you! This one has been an emotional one for us for sure. Still chokes me up thinking about it😭