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MEGA KEY - #bDHEqp-PIKU66vVomP22RXpaaXwpO4A8Ak6Puc6Miow

Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pvg71K4v_WSkMW1ingZsXNWo8Xw8c_G1/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a5ae1cufpwth7jp8v4tdg/204FULLHeartstopper.mp4?rlkey=b6bo2vv1xhgtdoq0pe6j7jko3&dl=0

SO sorry for the wait on uploads folks!! It was meant to go up weeks ago and i should be a few episodes ahead by now, but I recently got my cat spayed and in the same day my gf broke her foot... so I've been taking care of both of them since we pretty much have to watch the cat all day because of her restrictions, and it's just been a lot. I definitely didn't anticipate it being this difficult lol. They're both still recovering, BUT I'm trying to get back to working now. So I should be posting more regularly in the coming weeks <3 thank you all for being so patient.


1.53 GB file on MEGA



I’m going to gloss over all the heavy handed British stereotypes of France in this episode such as Imogen’s beret. But the cheap joke at the expense of ‘escargots’ was unforgivable. And Tao of all characters, with his independent spirit and unique taste, would have loved eating snails. As do I!

Steve Teeter

You know, I'm not sure they ever clarified that "escargot" are snails. If younger viewers don't know that, they don't get the joke. If they do, they may be grossed out now, but hopefully will grow up to love them as much as you and I do. Miss Manners has written that she adores escargot for this simple thing: garlic butter.