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MEGA KEY - #oWJGy4QRFQjdB6JUXmqfNTz-hmYanJ1Hva0Rih7egn0

Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wcnUJ4dcVbMSAwRjWOyAOmEMHilt6ZiT/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3fikhqmp55hes5mrlsmfz/203FULLHeartstopper.mp4?rlkey=mvnimuj4c2rbvp6u28656cfhl&dl=0

this one was tough 😭 what did y'all think of everything?!?


1.43 GB file on MEGA



Great commentary as always, Alex. It was quite a tough watch at times. I like the way the oppressiveness of the respective situations - at the party in the woods and at the cinema date - is conveyed through the lighting and the music. It was like we were experiencing Tao and Elle’s awkwardness, and Nick’s stress headache, with them. I love the way that it is Charlie who, in different ways, gives both Tao and Nick the comfort they needed. As a former secondary teacher, I related to Miss Singh’s diplomatic support of Nick accidentally outing himself to her. It reminded me of the times I needed to support my LGBTQ students who had come out to me because I was very open about my own sexual orientation. I also had to laugh at the way that when Mr Farouk had got silence from the students, Mr Ajaji immediately says something to get them cheering and shouting again. My former students always remind me about my terrible classroom discipline - trying to be fierce one minute then immediately undermining myself by failing to suppress a smile at how ridiculous it all was. They appreciated my failure and, amazingly, never took advantage.


I definitely hear your thoughts on Tao. Honestly though, I don’t think him going all out to impress Elle and make it *her* dream date was that great of a crime. Not the right move for sure, but pretty understandable for a 15 year old boy going on a date for the first time. Especially one who is a lover of movies, whose only romantic experience up to this point is probably from movies, where this kind of romantic gesture would have been necessary to sweep Elle off her feet. I kind of thought Elle could have also cut him a little more slack - but, she herself is only 16. So I can’t blame either of them. It went wrong in the way you might expect a first date between two best friends who still haven’t figured things out would go wrong. For both of them I think their biggest issue was treating one awkward date as a sign that things weren’t going to work out.