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Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sLafeYlraFNUgK2csZO2gg3Cjm55Pjsz/view?usp=share_link

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2vfcklgufmm1yw/204FULLYoungroyals.mp4?dl=0

wille was going THROUGH it :(( but the ending... there's hope!!


1.9 GB file on MEGA



When someone hurts you badly, especially when they try to excuse their behavior (as Wille did Simon with the video), it can be really hard to admit you still have feelings for that person. I think Simon is the type to run from their feelings. He tried to forget Wille and try being with someone who was "better" for him on paper and in the eyes of his friends. I think Simon is learning a big lesson here, that the safe option doesn't necessarily make you happy. That who your heart wants can hurt like hell sometimes, because you feel so much for that person. And Wille, too. He's learning to think about others, and that his actions have consequences. He thought he had lost forever who he loved most, and when he gains Simon back, he'll appreciate him that much more and not take him for granted. They've both made mistakes, and I can't blame either one for their actions, as imperfect as they've been. It was beautiful to see their walls come down just for a moment and be honest with their feelings. It almost killed us as viewers to go through these first four eps, and I'm suing the writers. But, they both had to go through the pain to realize what they mean to each other, how to listen to each other, and they will be stonger for it. Even if we have ulcers now.


I actually have a TINY bit of sympathy for August.. at least in this ep. I feel like he carries a lot of self hatred, and I think he really likes Sara. He doesn't care if everyone knows, while she wants to keep him a secret, and actually broke up with him before the ball (the Swedish text said "I can't be with you anymore").. of course being August he turned the sadness into anger and took it out on Will by telling Alex it was Will who set him up in season one.. but to be honest that was the truth. Not that there is any excuse for what August did, but that doesn't mean he should take the blame for everyone else's mistakes. This show does a good job showing that no one is entirely good.. or bad. Great reaction! Really looking forward to ep 5 (my favorite of the whole series I think)

Dennis Verner

Thank you for mentioning the Swedish text. At times I've taken to watching the Swedish text and using Google Translate. Not perfect but many times the closed captioning is not very accurate. It is so interesting to try and see what they are really saying (depending on the accuracy of GT).