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Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/19tUeScroaj7XERisGq8D-ozajIvvL92-/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7564x6zqx7wn4j4/107FULLHeartstopper.mp4?dl=0

this episode was EASILY the hardest to watch so far 😭 it was so emotional but also very intriguing to watch with everything going on. so many conflicts and i can't wait to see how it's all resolved in the finale 👀 what did y'all think of this one?!?


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My personal feeling is that Ben is by far worse than Harry because at least Charlie knows where he stands with Harry, he knows Harry doesn't like him and is homophobic and so his comments, while painful, don't have too much impact whereas Ben led Charlie to believe that he cared about him and made Charlie drop his defenses and make himself vulnerable, then Ben turned on him and bombarded him with hateful comments that cut a lot deeper than anything Harry said. Harry is a homophobic bully but Ben is pure evil.


It's interesting that the actors who play the bad guys in this show and also in 'Young Royals' (Ben minus 20, Harry and August) seem to be the nicest guys in real life. It was amusing to hear that Sebastian Croft's parents were so upset with their own son playing the part of the bad guy in the series that they gave him a hard time at home after the show had completed! Sebsatian also said that he felt uncomfortable with some of the scenes that he did with Joe Locke as in real life they are the best of friends, Also, the actor portraying Harry was interviewed after the show had aired and he came across as a really charming guy. I do believe he was the youngest of all the actors at the start of filming when he had just turned 17 years old, because he was complaining that he couldn't hang out with the rest of the cast as he was underage to go clubbing and drinking! Malte Gardinger (aka August from 'Young Royals') in real life seems to be the total opposite of the character that he plays in that show. That has come from interviews that he's done and also from people who know him and have met up with him.