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MEGA KEY - #05cC0-AucQ2zBV3swLFzad2K5bl3ze7hUNNVQvFoJko

Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wI-qUNTqiVmMCd2wGeW6QiKAXn5iv-5v/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7vmx62qznv14o6p/106FULLYoungRoyals.mp4?dl=0

WELP.. there we go folks, young royals is finally done 😭 i'm so sad to be done with it, but i am BEYOND excited for S2!! that ending was definitely not what i expected. it wasn't as absolute as i thought it'd be, but it also wasn't a huge cliffhanger.. it just left me wanting to see what happens with my boys after christmas break!! uGHH. how did y'all like the finale?? let me know all your thoughts!! and i wanna hear your predictions/what your excited to see in S2 👀 i'll definitely be back for s2 commentaries 😋 thanks for watching this one along with me folks!! 💕 New LOVE, VICTOR eps will be out this weekend for ALL tiers!! and Eyewitness/druck/charmed will have new eps up next week :)


1.1 GB file on MEGA



I couldn’t believe you were surprised by Sara liking August. She’s been eye humping him all season. She was looking at that little picture of him in her friends room. And she was very happy when they broke up. Heck she mentioned the stables kiss when she saw a opportunity to break them up.

Ken Follett

I think the look on Wilhelm's face as he's riding in the car at the end says he's ready to blow everything up so he can get Simon back. He's pissed off at everyone BUT Simon. It was a look of complete determination at the very end - like he finally made his choice. And I felt Simon's reaction at the end was he was ready to be there for Wilhelm however he can.


I really don't think Sara brought up the kiss for that reason. Felice and Sara had just made up and what Felice said to her was "Sometimes you don't always need to tell the truth" so when August kissed her, she was stuck in a pretty difficult position, not knowing if she should tell Felice or not. Sara didn't have ill intents from the start, come on, she didn't even care about August until he "showed interest" in her. I also may be wrong but I would bet Sara isn't even all that interested in August. I think she was more interested in someone (anyone, especially of noble status) showing interest in her in that way. At least that's the way I interpreted things.