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Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xolOkMrB9Ou_kW_7DgGEkoFiS9hGwKuR/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/tjjsf4psb4selrr/204FULLDruck.mp4?dl=0

definitely the best episode of the season so far!! loved finally getting some more content with mia and alexander together 😋 it was verrrrrrryyy interesting... 👀 excited to see their development after this one!!


1.04 GB file on MEGA



I actually think this is my favourite episode out of season 2. And the "Winter is coming" scene is one of my fave scenes. Druck is a comedy :-) Oh and the text that wasn't translated read "Do you like wine or beer?" from Alex to Mia.

Lena S

Yeay I've been waiting for this :) I def agree with you, so far this is my favorite episode of this Season. I totally agree with you, that they are way more playful and that he sleeps on the floor in the last scene and doesn't try to get close to her really makes it even better. Tbh when I first watched Season 1 and also the first three episodes of Season 2, I didn't know what to think about Alex. Somehow I liked William and thought he was interesting from the beginning but it was different with Alex. He didn't show much expressions and I couldn't connect with him, somehow he seemed so distant as a character. But this episode changed my view. Actually Alex seems way softer than the other "Williams". He has that playful, humorous side which actually makes me like him tho I know what he did to Kiki. I mean, that "is he really that rich?" part got me :D I can understand why Mia seems to get a bit interested in him in this episode and that's what I LOVE about Druck. Suddenly he seems like a different person from his facial expressions, how he talks and behaves :) Now that we get to see him through Mias eyes :) Really love your reactions and commentaries and glad you're enjoying it so far! Excited to see your reaction to the next episode, hopefully soon :)