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welp... this season made it's MAIN GOAL to hurt me and all my favs. this episode was explosive for so many of my favourite characters :((( my heart is in PAIN. i feel like so many relationships are too far gone at this point and it sucks because at the beginning i would've NEVER seen it going this direction. but i guess that's what keeps this show so damn interesting, i just gotta see what they come up with 😭 although so many relationships are failing, the FRIENDSHIPS are thriving!!! and i definitely love that 🥰 there's so much to still find out in this last half of the season and i'm hyped to see what they come up with. who's excited to experience all the heartbreak with me again? 🤡 i'm gonna try to get a sneak peek out tomorrow at some point and then the tiers will be updated later this week!! :) see y'all soon <33



I honestly can’t wait!! this is probably my fav ep of the season

Teressa Simes

I agree with your comments. Omar went from being one of my fav characters to one of my least fav. Each to their own but I didn’t like what they did with his character this season at all. Some of his actions this season don’t seem consistent with the Omar we knew in season 1 and 2. Not a fan of some of the new characters this season too. Hopefully next season is more positive for Omander.