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MEGA KEY - #n7tPg2vw7Fk8ZwQT94LInnGdjPdgAvlMyQawsC9uCkI

Google Drive Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O_r00p1ogaMnzGAZlx860NNFdn0dqUX3/view?usp=sharing

DropBox Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvlgo6jh4so3p6v/117Charmed.mp4?dl=0

LOVED THiS ONE SO MUCH 😭so emotional and i LOVE getting some BIG story eps 😋 i feel like this just opened the world up so so much and i can't wait to see if this little journey back in time will come back into the story at some point!! 


1.07 GB file on MEGA



I tear up every time I watch this episode. I resonate with Phoebe because I'm the youngest and my dad died when I was only a year old. I can't imagine how mature she had to be to not leave a warning for her mom. I don't know if I could have done that. The level of maturity. I connect with all of them. I'm strong willed/minded like Prue, I can be emotional and sassy like Piper, and I'm extremely kind hearted like Phoebe. They do such an amazing job with the emotional scenes. They really are amazing actresses and I absolutely love who they cast for the mom and Grandmother. Even the little Piper and Prue. This is definitely my favorite episode of the season. I love so many of the episodes, the demon of fear one, the Piper and ghost boy ep 4, the woogyman, the wendigo, certain episodes to come....👀 Clearly I bias the emotional eps lol. And it just keeps getting more emotional from here out. I love watching your reactions and can't wait to see you watch the rest of the season. You will see characters from season 1 pop up again in future seasons (besides the main 3 of course). I can't tell you who but just look forward to that!


No one answered your question about their ages so allow me to enlighten. In season 1 Prue is 28 (Episode 4 is her 28th Birthday) Piper is 26. Phoebe starts off 23 and by the end of the season she is 24. Also in this episode's time (1975) Little Prue is 5, Little Piper is 3, The Mom, Patty, is 25 and Grams is 50