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hey folks!! just wanted to check in with you all and give you a quick little update :) i know there hasn’t been too many videos going up in the past week or so, and that is because i'm currently in ireland with my girlfriend 😇 if some of you don't know, me and my girlfriend are long distance and have not seen each other in 6 months, so now that i'm visiting, we're spending as much time together as possible before i have to leave her again in a couple weeks :( but i did bring all my equipment and still have loads of episodes to edit, so videos are coming!! i think we just needed the first week back together to ourselves, so i didn't spend much time editing. but i'm still editing more each day, so new episodes for your shows are coming!! SKAM France 3x01 is going up later today, I have 2 episodes of ELITE in the editing process, Charmed is being edited too, and i have a surprise first impressions video on the way as well! so ya, i have videos on the way, just forgive me if i'm a taddd slower these next couple weeks while i'm away. i'm making the most of my time with my girlfriend because we only see each other every few months anyways, and now with COVID, it's a lot more difficult so i'm cherishing the time i do have while also trying my best to keep up with the videos. i'll see you all soon with some new episodes!! thank you all for the support and patience🥺💙

love, alex :)



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