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Hey friends!! so i've looked over the feedback, and whoever responded seemed to have good responses to the updates (even though they were relatively small), and i've made some final adjustments and i think i have the final layout! so here is the tier update that will be going live at 8:25pm EST! feel free to ask any questions.

TIER 1: $3 - Watch all my youtube videos early + get Sneak Peeks! 👀 

TIER 2: $5 - Get access to all my TV Show commentary/reaction series (watch episode by episode with me!) + participate in polls for new shows + i'll follow you on twitter 🥰

TIER 3: $10 - FULL TV SHOW REACTIONS (watch every episode with me in it’s entirety! Get my reaction to every single scene, every rant/discussion, beginning to end, with no cuts!)

(there will be 2 separate $10 tiers for those people who specifically want either movies OR tv shows, but the new tier won't affect the $10 tier you're already in, it'll be mainly for new people in the future that just enjoy movies and don’t want to be bothered by all the TV Show posts haha)

TIER 4: $10 - FULL MOVIE Commentary Tracks (get a downloadable MP3 audio file of my commentary and sync up the movie to watch along with me!!)

TIER 5: $15 - EXTRA Early Episodes (always be an episode ahead of other patrons*full reactions*) + Full Movie Reactions (Watch the entire movie with me, along with my baby face on the screen to see all my goofy movements and facial expressions 😝just like all my tv show reactions)

TIER 6: $20+ - Sponsor <3 (you are an official sponsor of my content, and will get credited in all my video descriptions, PLUS you will be able to participate in big decisions of my patreon page whenever i make them in the future. you will also get all the exclusive content from my personal projects that i have in the process, along with an EXCLUSIVE video every month for your eyes only! 😇)

hopefully you're all okay with these updates!! i think the small updates that were made will be more efficient and will keep the page organized :) let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns! hopefully you're all excited for the content coming :) new shows/series on the way! <3



Can I get a Twitter follow since I've been subscribed 🙂 @alexhilbert_


Can I get a Twitter follow as well