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MEGA KEY - #WHNn23WhW638gdzVLy2yQ5cE3sKLSRSv0mtq2oog2CU

Google Drive Watch/Download Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LYzsyd4m-YT3T_5f5-RmUqYxhKDos8Y-/view?usp=sharing

Dropbox Watch/Download Link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3kq5exd4ntjdemnia9xe9/105FULLMSP.mp4?rlkey=j934yv3pdpg71c4ht8pqprjp1&dl=0

LOVED THIS ONE!! it was a lot deeper than i expected :'))


1.56 GB file on MEGA


Abby Ortiz

I think when it comes to how Gun and the rest of the boys in Chinzhilla, it’s a valid response given their age. They are like 17-18. Therefore, Gun thinking that he won’t ever achieve his dreams is just him being a teen. I would say Gun has low self esteem, so he easily equates him achieving his goal of being a musician to being good enough. I know and I’m sure many people know he’s good enough, he just needs to see that for himself which takes time. At 22 years old, I still struggle with equating my grades with my self worth. I’m in university majoring in psychology, and while I’m proud of how far I have come, I still have a long way to go. I still have a fear of failing and disappointing myself and my family. A lot of people have that fear, and Gun is one of them. Plus when it comes to teenagers, or just anyone…we tend to think of the worst case/“negative side.” Sometimes our brains just work that way, and we have to rewire our brains to think differently with time. I see myself in Gun so I get where he’s coming from. Gun is being “negative” but it’s valid. I do agree though, we get knocked down, we get back up. I would say as someone in a Mexican/Latino household, I chose to go to college because being in the mental health field was something I wanted to do. However, my parents told me it’s either college or work. My parents also didn’t have that option of going to university, so it does feel like I did force myself to go to college despite actually studying I love. I’m doing this for myself but also my parents, so there is a bit of that pressure. I just want to make myself but them proud. They do just want me to be happy, and they are pretty supportive in what I’m studying. I think Thai culture is just the same as Mexican culture, we are a collective/familial culture. I don’t agree with being a collective, but when it comes to us and Thai culture, there’s a prioritization of family. We put family first than ourselves, which I try to break myself from because I just want to do what makes ME happy. Gun is also very young, he’s the only child but only has his mom. So he does put alot of pressure to take care of his mom while he’s only 17-18 🥺💔. He needs to do what’s best for him, but like I said that’s just the culture in Thailand.