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Hey folks.. yes, I AM ALIVE!!🥲

As you may have noticed, there has been an extreme lack of content, and also an extreme lack of communication as to why there’s been no content. So I just wanted to give you guys a little update to let you know that I’m okay and tell you all what’s been happening.

In the last few weeks I’ve basically had to pack up my whole life and move across the world with my girlfriend and cat. As many of you might know, my girlfriend is originally from the UK but she’s been living with me in Canada for the past 2 years. Due to visa complications, we recently found out that she had to leave, and I was not gonna let her go anywhere alone. Long story short, after WEEKS of stress/crying, a lot of paperwork, and a lot of money spent.. we planned our trip from Canada to the UK with our cat.

I was not aware travelling with a cat was THIS complicated, but it turned out to be one of the hardest things we’ve ever had to do. Because we had a cat, we had to first fly to France, stay there for 2 days, and then get a shuttle to take us to the UK, where we then had to take a few hours of trains with all our luggages/bags. Skip to now, we’re safely in the UK, but the journey isn’t over yet.. we unfortunately don’t get the keys to our new apartment until may 9th😭 so we’ve been staying in my girlfriends family home in their spare room with no way of recording/editing until we are in the new place. We’ve been staying here for the past 3 weeks so it’s been very hard for both of us, having no way of working or really keeping busy besides going on walks lol.

Honestly, I thought I’d have much more time back in Canada to prepare content to go up during this time, but I severely underestimated how quickly time would pass in the weeks leading up to the move, and how much work it’d actually take to get everything done. On top of all the planning and organizing, we were having people coming to view our condo multiple times a day, multiple times a week.. Not to mention the emotional toll it took. I lived in this condo for the majority of my adult life and it really was my first home. It still feels surreal that I won’t be going back there. It was genuinely my favourite place on earth. But life keeps moving.

Honestly, Canada was becoming straight up unaffordable and soul sucking. That place ate up all my savings and I just couldn’t do it anymore, which makes the fact that I’ve not been working for the past month even more stressful 😭 So thank you if you’ve stuck with me this far because it’s truly helped me. Although starting over is really tough, it can also be exciting!!

I’m extremely disappointed that I wasn’t able to prepare content like I wanted to before I left for this journey, and trust me it’s hurt me both mentally and financially lol. but when I get back to it next week, i’ll be in full force!! Being away has genuinely made me so antsy and restless and my enthusiasm to get back to watching and discussing all our shows is at an all time high!!

That being said, mid next week I should be back to recording/uploading!! I’ll be starting SHAMELESS SEASON 3, continuing MSP, YOUNG ROYALS S3, and shortly after I get back on my feet I should be starting GLEE 👀

I hope you’re all as excited as I am to get back to our shows!! Thank you all for the patience and support. It genuinely means more to me than you can ever imagine. This is without a doubt the hardest experience of my life and if you’ve stuck with me this far, you’ve made the experience much less shitty for me, so thank you with all my heart ♥️ this experience has taught me to not take anything for granted ever again, so I’m gonna be ON IT. See y’all next week! I CANT FKN WAIT AHHH!!



Brett b

Wishing you the best❤️

Michael Marichalar

If I had to go through that, you probably wouldn't see me for months. 🤯 Glad your almost to the 'finish line' and getting ready to resume/restart your life. 😀