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Hey, it’s me again. Are you sick of me yet? 😜

I got a good night’s sleep last night (very happily!) so feeling way more human. I just wanted to give everyone an update on what to expect for this month’s exclusive posts, and to give you an overview of what’s happening behind the scenes.

But first, I wanted to take a quick moment and say a huge thank you to all the new patrons who joined us in the last month. You are all awesome and I’m truly grateful for putting your trust in me. I hope I get the chance to get to know you a little better. My DMs here on Patreon are always open and I try to reply to everyone when I can. I’m also open to suggestions and your thoughts on how we can make this little growing community of ours a really great place for you all.

Sometime later this month or next month, I will be “rebranding” a little bit. I’m meeting with some awesome folks here locally to brainstorm some new ideas.  As it’s becoming clear that the Spicy content is the main draw for most folks, I think it’ll be important for the name and branding to reflect that a little more, especially as I move to establish a bit of a presence on Twitter (Sorry, X), and in the hypno space.  Don’t worry, YouTube and more BF oriented content isn’t going anywhere. I’m still huge into that.  But it’s becoming clear that this community is growing far more than I could have ever imagined, so the random name that I picked in December of 2022 no longer reflects the vibe I’m going for.  More details to come as it happens. Nothing else is really changing, it’s just going to be a name change and maybe a bit of a polish pass on various platforms.

Okay, the part you’re really here for:

Boyfriend Tier

This month’s BF tier audio will be “Starcrossed” (working title), the first audio RP featuring Lt. Asher, our new space medic.  The first script has gone through a first draft, and will feature a “rescued from a (space)shipwreck” theme. So I hope you’re ready to get rescued!

Daddy Tier

This month, I’m super excited to record a script written by our very own Patron, Joe.  It’s a Daddy Bear script which features a praise theme.  You’re going to get to spend a night with Daddy Bear that’s going to be all about YOU. I hope you’re ready to hear that you’re a “good boy”!

I also have the draft of a new hypnosis script as well, which will be open to Boyfriend Tier and above, which dovetails nicely with the Daddy Bear praise script, which will focus on self-care and internalizing feelings of worthiness and appreciating yourself for who you are. Depending on how things go, I may be able to finish this one and record it for you this month, but I’m not making a promise.

As an aside, I’ve also been commissioned for two pieces as well, both of which will be available for Daddy tier subscribers.  More details about these as they get wrapped up. More details on opening commissions up a little more broadly very soon! If you’re interested in something before a public release, priority for current subscribers will be given, so feel free to reach out via DM here.

January is gonna be a big month, with some new characters, some fun scripts and great audio, so I’m so grateful for all of your support.

Wishing everyone a great New Year full of health, contentment and prosperity!





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